DO NOT READ THE WHOLE BULLETIN!!! JUST QUICKLY COPY AND PASTE.... DON'T SPOIL IT. Name 12 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 12 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...NO CHEATING!
1. How did you meet 3(Vincent)?
Tiger's House at a movie night
2. What would you do if 2(Shaun) and 6(Daniel) were going out?
I'd go ahead and try to wake up from this hellish nightmare...
3. How long have you known number 8(Hydra)?
Freshman Year of college
4. What do you think of number 7(Jacent)?
He's huggable and one HELL of a guy..
5. What would you do if 4(Amon) confessed their love for you?
I'd tell him I wasn't Cheru
6. A fact about 9(LikeShine)?
She's dating one of my childhood heros...
7. Who is 2(Shaun) going out with?
No one
8. What does 5(Cheru) do for a living?
artist to the bitter end
9.would you live with number 8(Hydra)?
10. What do you like about number 1(Erin)?
I'm apperantly her man bitch...
11. Is number 6(Daniel) your best friend?
HaHA ...dangly parts
12. Do you miss number 12(Lee)?
I dunno.. i mean I was TAing for her just last night... i don't know if i can go another moment.
13. What is your opinion of number 11(Matt)?
Widdily.. diddily
14. Would you go out with number 2(Shaun)?
What type of evil sorcerer are you?
15.What would you do if 3(Vincent) and 1(Erin) were going out?
slightly awkward
16. Ever gone somewhere with number 10(Stitch)?
I've taken the DVD with me everywhere!!
17. Have you ever slept at 1(Erin)'s house?
A few times...
18. Best memory of #3(Vincent)?
choices... choices...
19. Who makes you smile the most?
Now that... is a secret..
20. Which one would you want to be with right now? Why and where?
it would be somewhere between 1 and 12. I love you all XP