Mar 19, 2010 13:12

I've decided to fulfill a personal request (it was sort of a plea, almost) from my brother, who asked me to update ye olde eljay during a telephone conversation last night.

Kipp, this one's for you.

While I'm here I may as well deliver a few newsworthy nuggets.

1. I got a new job. On March 29th, I'll be starting up with a very small boutique pr & marketing firm which serves green/sustainable/clean tech-focused clients. They're called Blue Practice, & are based in downtown SF, so my commute will only be moving a few blocks away. It's a pretty big change for me, but I'm really excited about it. This will bring me a lot closer to my journalism roots & allow me to continue to foster (ie. geek out over) my environmental/technological side.

2. The weather in San Francisco has been SERIOUSLY INCREDIBLE the past week or so. I'm not even kidding. This is full-on spring fever weather up in hurr.

3. This week I have dressed in a 70s wool suit twice (once for a dual birthday/house party for two good friends, & the other time for a different birthday/house party for a friend which so happened to be 70s themed...what are the chances?), run the Lyon Street Steps top to bottom 5 times in a row, drank some green beer, & witnessed, via the magic of the internets, two incredible feats in the animal kingdom: a surfing alpaca & a skateboarding owl. You might say it's been a good week for me & extreme sports-playing animals alike.

4. Today I bought a Fuji Instax Camera from Photojojo via Tumblr, & I am currently coveting a very special coffee mug (see below).

image Click to view

That's my update for now. I hope you're well, lj-land.
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