Jul 06, 2009 22:03

I forgot all about you, livejournal. Well that's not entirely true, I didn't forget. I guess I just reached a point where I felt like I was just going through the motions. Writing for the sake of writing. Sometimes youthful angst burns off & leaves just straight up Problems as a dark & mucky rueish remnant, all gunked across the bottom of the pot. What can you do? Fill it up with hot water & let it soak for awhile. That's about it. So I did, & then I scrubbed, & here we are. Let's make some more soup cause I'm feeling human again, & while I'm not exactly *eager* to share all the details of my every day, I'm ready to have a sounding board once again. I doubt I'll get back to the updating every day or every other day or even more than once a week type of livejournalist, but I'm here. I'm back. I'm ready.

Don't worry, I'm not that interesting these days anyway. More importantly, I've stopped trying to be interesting. Maybe I *am* interesting, but I wouldn't be able to tell you that, dear readers. That's entirely up to you.

Anyway, the important thing here is that I'm dusting off the old eljay to kickstart some Pete-centric infotainment once again.

Let's get down to brass tacks here. There are new & exciting developments in life which must be addressed. For starters, me & Esme are moving in together. It's been seven months (seven months! how time flies!), & this is by far the biggest relationship-centric decision I've ever made. I'm thirty, though. I'm a grown-ass man so this doesn't seem shocking or too soon or anything like that. It feels like natural progression, like maybe we just cut through all the bullshit of your standard run-of-the-mill twenties relationship & got down to it. Do you want to be with me? Yes. Do I want to be with you? Yes. Vice versa ditto? Yes. Now let's stop giving weight to stupid bullshit & both actively *work* at this thing! Is that a totally novel idea? No...maybe it's just one that never occurred to me (or her, or "we") before. So, when I consider all this, it doesn't seem so surprising that I did very little agonizing over the whole "should we move in together" thing. I'm really not that worried about it.

*Clapclap*. It's just that simple, folks! Does anyone need a problem solved here? Cause I feel like I'm on a ROLL!

Let's see, cliffs notes on the rest of life.
a. I'm getting rid of the car. The transmission is probably dead (he's in the shop now & I'm not optimistic). This hinders my mobility for sure, but I haven't been doing much driving since the problems started back in mid-May & it's been pretty painless. Lots of biking, some busing, a few instances where I borrowed a car when needed but on the whole I feel very well adjusted to a car-less lifestyle.
b. I'm gearing up to say goodbye to some of my best buds here in SF. Three of them off the top of my head. All heading off to do bigger & better things at institutions of higher learning in interesting corners of the globe. Lucky jerks. Anyway, things are changing on the friend-scene.
c. Esme's 29th birthday was last weekend & we had a seriously rad 1929-themed party for her. 4th of July weekend included really fun puppy-sitting & way too many grilled meat products & an array of mostly Mexican beer (really strange how everyone seemed to bring Mexican beer independently of one another) on the sidewalk outside the Peach Pit.
d. Work is work is work. Let's just say I'm looking around for the next thing & not finding much available right. Still...I'm hoping the gears start to turn soon enough.

That's it for now. BUT, here are some pics...

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