Jan 06, 2006 23:06
Well I haven't written in a while, quite a while actually. A lot has happened and every now and again I would think to myself, "Self," (its always best to address yourself properly), "you should write this in lj so that people would know what's going on in your life. Namely those people in RI and those crazy Goucherites who are on break right now." But we all know that I'm fairly forgetful so of course I did not update. And today I said to myself, "Self, you should just write one big update to catch everybody up on what's happened in the past two months or so." But, while I'm not lazy, that seems to be a bit too daunting of a task right now, so I will try to get in more frequent updates in the future. Either that or you could call me if you're interested in what's going on in my life. Saves me the trouble of having to write it.
Anyway, enough of that. Lots of stuff. Like I just got a digital camera (yeah for gift certificates, boo for Circuit City. blast you Circuit City) two days ago (which is where the new user pic is from. Is it a roar or a yawn? I'll let you decide). Plan on having lots of fun with it. Also, between Christmas and Record and Tape Trader's New Year's Day sale I picked up 27 new DVDs. Including Firefly and Serenity, All the Lethal Weapon movies, Time Bandits, another season of MASH and much more. Still haven't gotten through all of them yet. Oh and Goucher Guys, I also got a bottle of iodine tablets for Christmass so we don't have to worry about how questionable the water is next time we go camping.
Jon and I (and good Anna) have finally started the long planned, review of Baltimore eating establishments (currently under the working title of A College Student's Guide to Restaurants and Pubs: Baltimore). Every Wednesday, we plan to review a different restaurant. This past week (which was the first) we reviewed Olive and Sesame, which had amazing appetizers but overall was mediocre. Anybody wanting to join us either on a given week or in perpetuity is welcome to come.
Many plans for new music.... I'm hoping this weekend will be productive in that way. Too many new ideas, I need to finish up some things so I can get started on all the new stuff. I hope WOW doesn't get too much in the way this weekend... but who am I kidding, I'm sure it will.
All right, that's enough for me for now. Plenty more stuff to mention and I expect a lot of new good news to be coming soon.
Oh one final thing. I'm thinking of changing up the facial hair again. Right now I'm choosing between a goatee (maybe in a style I haven't tried before) or just a shorter beard. I know Jon wants a Burnside at some point but I do have to go to work like this so really extreme things are out. Any suggestions?