Jun 11, 2005 07:06
Well.. I haven't posted anything new in a while... So I did make it into school a week ago, and the whole experience.. it's ok. I had to switch dormrooms, because my old roommates lifestyles were making me feel uncomfortable at times. My new roommates are ok. As far as my academics.. they are going great. I will have my GED within 7 months. Maybe within 6 months, but we'll see how things go? My classmates.. they're ok, but I just don't say a lot in my classes, because I try to stay to myself. By staying to myself someone got upset, because I do that, and there was a rumor started that I was gay. I'm not gay! I had to let everyone know that in my school that I am not gay! It took damn near 3 days to clear that rumor. Karma does work in a mysterious way, because one of the ppl who started that rumor? He had $4700 worth of jewlery stolen a few days ago. As far as this weekend goes I have really been bummed out, because of 2 things. The first thing was that a majority of my female friends have just gained bf's. It made me feel sad, because 2 of my female friends I like. Well.. it's one in specific I really like, but she's with someone now. I'm happy my female friends have bf's and all. To be honest I don't really feel happy about it. I feel miserable about it, but I'm trying to be a good friend. Truth be told I feel like a bad friend, because I can't be happy that my friends are happy. Then there was this girl in my school I was starting to notice, and I was going to try to get to know her a little bit better, but I found out she sleeps around a lot. So I'm going to stay away from her. Then it hit me again.. Gee the curse of me not being able to find a gf strikes again! I think I just don't care anymore about finding the right girl for a while. I think I'm just going to wait until I get into the armed forces, and see where things go? This weekend.. I need to try to cheer myself up!