Yay! Update time!

Sep 12, 2005 21:04

So… I haven’t updated in awhile but oh well I guess this will be kinda a longer entry! I will spare you all the details and just go over the important shit! So lets start with the 4th… I went to Reno to see the Destiny’s Child Concert with Steven, Joseph and Tony! We were supposed to leave at 7:00 on Sunday morning but we didn’t end up leaving till 9:30 ish cuz apparently Steven had too much fun at the DC concert in Oakland the night before and was still feeling the effects of it! Then I found out Joseph was also out gallivanting and didn’t get home till like 4:30 or something! These boys are insane! So poor Tony being the only smart one out of all of us ended up having to drive all the way to Reno while Steven and Joseph passed out in the back seat! I didn’t want to drive cuz I’m not particularly found of driving other people’s cars… plus I think Steven's car is seriously 10x’s as big as my car! It’s not my fault my focus is so little! I love it! Sorry little side note there! Anyways so we actually ended up getting to Reno around 1ish I think and that included our hour long detour in Tracy when we stopped to eat and tried to shop but since it was Sunday the mall didn’t open till 11:30! It was sadness! No shoes for Joseph! So anyway Tony made really good time and I think he stayed within 5 or 10 mph of the speed limit the whole time! So once we got there we walked around Reno for a bit, Steven and I were drawn to the casinos but tony is the only one who is 21 so… that didn’t help much! We had to be dragged away from the slots and the tables! We actually had time to kill before the concert so what did we do??? Yep that’s right we went shopping! That is so typically we go all the way to Reno and go shopping~ SO IT WAS FINALLY TIME FOR THE CONCERT… Now I would have laughed at you 2 months ago if you had told me I was going to go to a DC concert, but I had a blast! I think everyone should go to at least one Destiny’s child concert with Steven! He’s such a blast I love him! It was cool I think Steven, Joseph and I had a good time! Tony didn’t seem to enjoy it as much! I’m glad I agreed to go… not that I really had a choice… have you ever tried to say no to Steven? Steven and I joked about getting married when we were there, but Tony said no! He’s so MEAN sometimes

I should have known that Stevens first trip out of the state, would be to a place filled with Casino’s… can anyone same gambling addiction…. J/k

Gosh they are tall! No wonder I always feel so short! They tower above me!

Open their mouth their grill gleamin'

Uh oh Tony made a friend in Reno!

Destiny’s Child TIME!

Well this last weekend was out of control… I left my house at 8:00ish on Friday night and got home Sunday at 10:20! Good times! So Friday night I met Steven at Valley Fair big surprise more shopping! Then I went and got Joseph and we met Steven, Richard, Tiny and Eric at Chili’s. Eventually Ton got cut and he joined us! Richard, Joseph and I then decided it was drinking time. So we went back to Steven and Richards house and Christina ended up meeting us there! All I have to say is that patron in EVIL I will let the pictures speak for themselves,,, btw pictures of me should not be taken!

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk all that junk inside your trunk? Yay for dancing Steven!

That’s not hot Joseph!

RICHARD! This is just Richard keeping Joseph from falling into the glasses! LOL!

Why am I on the floor??? What’s going on?

Steven those glasses are HOT where did you get them… oh I know you stole them for me! Really my glasses should not look hotter on Steven than they do to me!

Joseph get away from the Camera!

We ended up going to the ren faire the next morning we were supposed to leave around 9, but since Steven, Joseph and I didn’t not go to sleep till 6:30 so we ended up not getting there till 12:30 It was super fun! Sound and Fury was there… the people at the Ren faire are seriously different… like it’s what makes it fun but sometimes you just have to shake your head!

Poor Christina! Stevens couch is super comfortable~

Steven those are mine and I was so much drunker than you last night!

These things are SUPER scary they frightened Joseph and I at the faire!

We went and saw the exorcism of Emily Rose… it was a long movie… it was good it would have been better though if I hadn’t had to get crazy with the 12 year olds behind us! Then I was taken to ghetto San Bruno for Eric’s birthday… I got to meet Laura and Chris was there and Chris is super fun… so that was cool! But everything else about San Bruno was GHETTO!

After that Steven and I headed to Jackson! We are insane… we gambled all night and then cuz they wouldn’t give us a room till 3 I drove home! I was soooo TIRED I ended up taking the scenic route… I missed the 205 do I had to take 5 all the way to the 152 and then back track! We finally made it back to Mt. View at 3 then Steven I went and picked up food and I ended up passing out on the table while we were waiting for our food! I really need to sleep more! So that was my fun weekend!
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