Nov 24, 2008 11:02
So remember that whole speech about how i wasnted to change and become less predictable. Well that aint going to happen becase i just realized I have someone telling me where i need to be and when i need to be there almost ever single fucking day. What kind of life is that. Definitly not one i want to live for the rest of my life. I miss the adventure and randomness of it all sometimes. I mean its always you work from this time to this time and yu go to school this time to this time. Its just stupid and i hate it here. I wish i could just go to Jamaca or the bahama's, maybe acapoco or a nice island off of mexico. Just I want to get out of this town because it is driving me crazy. But the likely hood of that actually happening is slim to non. so it is all whatever. I need to go wah my uniform i got work from 4-11 tonight...........