May 08, 2004 10:17
ok i dont even know what exams i have this coming week
sight singing in on monday at 11 something
i know something is on tuesday - ohh my tech in music presentation at 9:00
the aural theory exam is at 11am, tuesday, may 11th in mcewen 202 (i think the room is right-- we're either in 202 or 209) - that was an IM from jessica Doody (her last name isnt really doody). i'm nervous about written but not aural.
diction is wednesday 1:30 - 3:30
my jury is gonna have to be wednesday afternoon
sometime before then we need to do our group project for foundations - monday i think - at 4 we said.
i had a dream last night that I had this math exam that I had to take and the guy was like you missed 4 tests - you have to take one right now and three tomorrow. and i said fuck it i'll drop the class. and justin garrison was there - my best friend from fourth grade. we used to call each other all the time - ALL THE TIME - and play brainquest. those were those things that would ask you the most random questions and give you even worse answers and make you feel bad about what grade you're in. but i learned a lot - and we were weird and now he's really weird and dresses in black.
exams blow