5). jealousy

Dec 07, 2008 00:18

I’m Only Left With My Own Jealousy
Title: “I’m Only Left With My Own Jealousy”
Character: Asher Green
Rating: mxf - all ages.
Word:5). Jealousy
Fandom/Original? Original
Roleplay link? Touch Her Right Back
Archive: five out of one hundred
Summary: Jealousy hit me in the face and was running through my veins…

Note: 1,062 words

“Wait --” she stopped, standing strong with her arms crossed over her chest. She was looking at me in a critical and cautious way “Last night… Did you… know?”

“Depends on what you mean” I replied after a few moments. I had been trying to find the right words; my mouth was opened, and my eyes gazing off before actually looking at Jenna before me, and raising my eyebrows slightly “Are you asking if I knew that you are amazing in bed, possibly the most beautiful woman to walk the Earth, and a breath-taking person? Or, are you asking if I knew Ted, and that he is your boyfriend who you sleep with all the time, and tell him you love him and stuff - which, on my behalf, is rather gross cause how can you love a guy with no cushion to cuddle next to? No cushion for the pushing either”

Then, I noticed something - I was dawdling on the question. I was trying to make this serious situation to be lighter by adding in humor to it all. But, in some situations, like these, you had to act like the adult you were meant to be… So, I lowered my eye brows and placed a soft and serious look onto my face before speaking once again. “If you were asking either one of those questions, then the answer is ‘no’ for both of them” I stated, looking down at the ground for a moment, unable to look at her in the face. Finally, when I had the courage, I looked back up at her “I didn’t find out until after”

I couldn’t hold it in anymore. My soft and serious face turned into a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me!’ face. “But, seriously man! Ted? Ted Bauer?” I said, looking at her as if she was crazy. I ranted and raved to her about him, saying how he only cared about money, and nothing else. Her response wasn’t something I was expecting - then again, you should expect to get scratched if you pulled a cat’s tail… She spoke about how things were hard for her and Ted at the moment, and how she couldn’t excuse for what she had done.

Thinking for the moment, the next question just randomly slipped past my lips. “Actually, that comes to my question - are you going to tell him” I asked her. Deep down, I was hoping she would say yes; because there could be a slight chance that they would break up, and I could have a chance with her. But, really, that was selfish, wasn’t it? “Or do I have to keep on telling people I’m in love with my cousin. I mean, because I don’t mind but I’m getting weird looks from some of the pledge boys; thinking I’m like, into incest and stuff”

“No” she replied simply, moving her gazed from the ground to look up at me in the eye “I’m not going to tell him. I’ll suffer more by not telling him anyway, and I think that I deserve to suffer for my wrongs as much as possible. And it’s not like it’s a mistake I’m going to repeat”

Yikes. Way to kill the ego boosters I received today!

The weird thing was that she wasn’t the only girl to call me a mistake. All my other girlfriend’s had told me that me being with them was a mistake. But… yikes, man. Here I was thinking that I had a chance with this girl - this amazing and beautiful girl - only to be pushed on the ground and to have my balls stepped on… Well… Not literally… But… You know what I mean. I stood there, my hands on my hips, looking down at the floor as I bit down onto my lower lip just trying to think of something to say - anything at all! But… there wasn’t much to say - I had been rejected. Flat out rejected… For the second time today! I could feel my heart thumping in my rib cage, on the verge of cracking the bone to jump out of my skin and beat the crap out of the walls. Finally, when I had the courage, I looked up at Jenna; trying my hardest to hold in any emotion, to show it didn’t affect me… Even if it did…

“Funny…” I said, just noticing how low and serious my voice sounded “You’re not the first person to say that to me” I could feel my chest on the verge of breaking - I couldn’t look at Jenna anymore. Looking away for a moment, I saw someone I knew approaching. Erg, crap. My gaze turned towards Jenna once again before she could comment on my last statements “I suppose I should leave you to your catwalk, Pumpkin. Your Teddy is already making his way to show it to you”

Placing my hands into my pockets, I walked off before Jenna could say anything. I didn’t want to get hurt anymore… Two rejections in a day (by the same girl) were enough for me anyways. I walked, Ted coming my direction; as he passed, I felt a hard knock into my shoulder. Erg, freaking immature Ted! Myself and Ted have never really gotten along. Ted Bauer as one of those types of guys who divided the world into two; the rich, and the poor. He treated the rich like he would like to be treated, and the poor like scum. To Ted, I was poor. He treated me like crap all through freshman year, and at one point, he made a comment about my ‘peasant family’. Look - people can make fun of me, I don’t care. Make fun of my family, I’ll freaking kill you. Well, I didn’t get to kill Ted (sadly), but I did get to punch him in the face.

Oh… those were the good old days…

I looked behind me to see Ted place his arm around Jenna’s waist and turn around to the opposite direction. Seeing that hand on her waist hit me like a bowling ball; and I was pin. Jealousy struck me in the face and ran through my system. I couldn’t believe I was jealous, for once in my life, of Ted. I think I would have to kill myself if I ever thought that thought ever again.

Erg… I need a beer.

asher green, jealousy, 100 words for 100 entries

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