Apr 04, 2007 00:05
There has been a trend in recent years that trouble me greatly. I hear already the eyes rolling and people scrolling on to the next LJ friends list, but grab a seat and hear me out. You say "what this time? Politics? Religion? Furrys? who are you frothing at this time?". None of the above.
Today I want to talk about Divas, Cher, Madonna, Elton John, the musical royalty, people possessed of a marketing acumen, sex appeal and moderate talent that they used to propel them to astronomical heights of fame. Where have they gone? Cher's retired, Madonna is a shadow of her former self, and Elton's on the verge of bankruptcy. What happened to the cult of personality, stars so much larger than life that they transcended mere fame and became Symbols (unlike Prince, who had to do it another way).
It seems that the cult of personality has had its day. We used to have the divas of the silver screen, women larger than life, godesses who had descended to earth. They lived in hollywood homes that were islands to themselves, places of ill repute and heavens for the sinful. They were hope and dreams made real.
After them musicians became the biggest focus, Elvis, Aretha Franklin, The Supremes, The Beatles, people so famous that the mear mention of them would cause pulses to quicken, People would feint when they came in an amphitheatre. Then we have thier heirs the Modern Divas. But what comes next, who is there to replace them. Who will future generations of gay men look up to as role models.
What is the cultural trend that has led us to a dearth of Divas, who will step in to fill the cultural void. Has the cult of personality gone out of style. Britany's burnt out, christina doesnt have the Talent, Beyonce, not a chance.
So where do we go from here!! where do we find the fabulous femmes that rock our world?