Log Cabin Rebuplicans and other despicable crittiers

Jul 28, 2006 21:46

LOL once again I break my self imposed exile...
to rant.
I recently joined this Gay and lesbian venting yahoo group thinking it would be fascinating to have an educated discourse about topics of pertinence to other queer people without the shouting down and bigotry or randomn heterosexuals, oh how wrong I was.
The topics started off with pride parades and how harmfull they are to the cause of gay rights, and expanded to include how gay marriage is destroying any chance we have of equality, and how we should adopt our partners and assimilate with heterosexuals because that is the only path to our rights.
Well needless to say I have exploded at these people several times. As someone whos so out, I couldn't squeeze into the closet again if my life depended on it I cant help but feel that our rights are being as eroded from the inside as from the out. These narrow minded (not all of them granted but the most vocal) see to think that we need to stop being so out there in order to make any progress, to them I say phooey.
Its well noted in the history of the Americas that progress towards equal rights is made by a combination of quite staid campaigning and out there in your face prescence. The former wins and sways the lawmakers, the educated man and hopefully politicians, the latter is neccesary to get people out of thier comfort zone, without that middle america doesnt move, and yes though some may move against us others will move for, and the fence sitters will be fewer.
I have been, at times, extremely active in the gay community and I put myself out there as a gay man on a constant basis, and here are these couch potatoe, seat warming, closet conservatives telling me that by working with gay youth and marching in the parade I'm hurting our cause, the ingratitude was overwhelming. So needless to say I blew up at them again after two weeks of keeping my yap shut I berated them and demolished thier arguments with history, and after I blew my rhetoric filled wad I figured since I was typing here I may as well jump in and post on here as well.
Anyway thats it for today...at this rate we may even have a few posts this week!! oh and the URL for the group if your interested in checking it out and providing yourself many hours of righteous indigination is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GLBT_VENTING.

Have fun, live out and Hugz to you all!!
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