Having worked in luxury good retail service for almost five years now, I have to say that I'm sincerely surprised that more people in the service industry aren't sociopaths. The most satisfying part of my day today was denying people what they wanted.
In other news, I have started a blog of my latest book project on the
domain space angelinamoon generously donated for my failed blog from GNST 500. There's a facebook group for it called "entanglement 08" if you wish to join and gawk from the vast social network that is Facebook. My aim is to have this sucker finished within the year, but I've had a lot of goals like that and short of the two freakin novels I wrote when I was 17, they've never come to fruition.
Anyway. Feel free to read, leave feedback, stroke my ego or belittle my talent. Either way it will compell me to finish it.