yep one of those days.

Jul 29, 2013 18:04

i'm having one of those days. one i could quite happily curl into a ball and do nothing. i mean nothing just sit. feeling alone which is stupid cause i'm not. i have great family and great friends all around so i'm not alone. my boy is great to (when hes not trouble,lol) so not alone. but its just one of those days when i wish i had someone who understood me, or not even understood me because to be honest i don't understand me half the time. but just someone to be with someone to just be here.

it maybe cause i'm getting ready to go on a camping holiday and its making me feel like this. i do wonder if this is my life now. to be alone. now i'm not panicked enough to jump on the next warm body and demand forever!!! but will i be with someone again? i know you can never be sure life is life and throws everything and anything at you. will just have to duck and dive and see whats around at the end of it all.

i am tired though. tired of be ok all the time, because i'm not not all the time. sometimes i'm just as panicked as my friends even though it can be for mere minutes but still its there.

its good to post randomness and feel safe from bombardment of questions, to be able to do it and not feel guilty for not keeping it together!

one day at a time, soon another year will be gone, and that thought has just scared me.

oh well......
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