Doctor Who - The Long Kiss Goodnight

Jan 02, 2010 15:42

God, they really were milking it, weren't they? I'm obviously a Very Bad Fan, because in the scene with the Slytheen and Alphonso et al, I fully expected Graham Chapman to prance down the stairs and sing "It's Christmas in Heaven".

Rather more spoilerish bulletpoint thoughts:

- It's not the first time that this is being said, but the fact that every single finale ends with the end of the world somewhat reduces the impact.

- License to Kill was on telly last night, and so I couldn't so much as start taking 007 Dalton seriously as Lord President or whatever his title was.

- I liked John Simm in drag (pink).

- Does the Master swap hair bleaching tips with Rose?

- Again, it was a truly memorable experience for all of use LOL moment when every single alien character from episodes past appeared in the bar scene with Jack. Especially since many of exactly-the-same looking aliens had died in their respective episodes, so it could well have been an afterlife party. With Graham Chapman. As the entertainment act.

- Grandpa Wilfred is the best ever! Nothing new here, but it's worth repeating time and time again. I'm sure that I would like the show much better if the Doctor had an old man as a companion. Preferably with the Doctor himself being an old man as well.

- Donna was kinda wasted. Did she really spend the entire episode unconscious? I like that they stick to the premise they've established (for once!) that her brain would melt or explode when she sees the Doctor. But why, then, had Rose been allowed to come back, even though it had been established as impossible? Donna would have been more awesome in the finale than Rose was.

- I did like the revelation that the Master had the sound of drums and hence the madness implanted into him by the Time Lords.

- I liked the Cactus (racist!) woman.

- I liked the Doctor's death not being what he had expected, and Wilf knocking at the door being the Sound of Doom. Wished they hadn't drawn out the death, though.

- Nice touch of the Doctor dying alone, but he could have died in Wilf's arms presence, and I would have been a happy girl.

- I've no opinion on Eleven yet - apart from the fact that I'd love to see an old grandfatherly Doctor instead of a young one. But that's just my personal fetish speaking.

And because I can't get it out of my head and it's kinda fitting:

"There's great films on TV
There's Sound of Music
Twice an hour
And Jaws I, II and II"

fandom: doctor who, watching telly

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