A glimpse into my past ...
When I was about fourteen years old, I became obsessed with a young actor named Balthazar Getty (
babypantz and
pandora333 will likely remember the extent of this obsession). When I say obsessed, I mean I had all his movies, had every single magazine article he'd been mentioned in (all preserved wonderfully in 3 photo albums, thank you very much), posters gracing my bedroom and basement walls, etc. Hell, I used to write notes in Study Hall to my friend Heather (who was 'dating' Emilio Esteves) about the dates 'Balty' and I had.
I was very lonely, I guess ;)
As I grew older, my obsession waned. I became more interested in the surreal; I said goodbye to "Young Guns II" and fell in love with movies of a darker hue. And then BAM! - there Mr.Getty appeared, in a movie directed by my muse personafied, the one, the only ... David Lynch. I was pleased. I thought how keen my eye must've been at such a young age to pick out a 'Lynch Boy.' The years rolled on and I all but forgot about this event.
Until tonite. And BAM! - there he is in "Alias" - the ONLY show since Twin Peaks that I watch religiously. I mean, c'mon - do I know how to pick 'em or what?!?
I feel that things have come full circle. To this day I have that connection to this strange-looking actor. Now, don't get me wrong; whereas I still think he's hot, he is still no comparision to my
angelstoil. Its not like this teen lust thing. Its more like ... hmmm ...
Hell, it's like a handshake from an old friend.
Laugh if you will. Pride means nothing to me at this point ;)