Insomnia: 5,642 Donna: 0

Nov 15, 2008 03:56


I can't sleep! But I'm tired! I'm sick! I have a headache! I'm thirsty! Wah wah wah wah!!!

So, to absent myself from my little 4am pity party (where's your hat?), I shall tell you three neat things:

Thing #1
Last night my brother went to The Roxy, this club downtown, where he met and hung out with all the Toronto Maple Leaves and a bunch of the Colorado Avs! (pdxscaper, this is for you! Too bad Joe wasn't there!) He said it was pretty cool. Kyle Wellwood (new Canuck) was there as well, hanging with his TO buds, I'm sure. Oh, and Neil met Chad Kroeger (from Nickelback fame) and from his account, he's sounds pretty awesome, even though I hate that effing band. Anyway, big night at The Roxy!

Thing #2
I watched my first movie in 2 1/2 months tonight! Due to my ridiculous TV schedule - which has gotten out of hand, seriously - since September I have had no time to watch any DVD's that we get from We were watching "The Wire" religiously every spare moment until last Friday, so now, finally, after catching up on all (okay, most) of my PVR'd shows, I have seen the movie that's been sitting on our TV stand for months: "Michael Clayton." Good flick! George Clooney gets better and better. Now, I can send the movie back that's cost $10.50 a month. I could have bought like, 4 DVD's with that money, but that's what I get for procrastinating!

Thing #3
Actually, I don't really have a third thing. Things have been boring and I refuse to leave the apartment and have fun when my sinuses are staging a mucusy coup in my face. However, I do have somethings I forgot to add to my List O' Awesome yesterday:

* the Karate Kid on Ugly Betty (!!!) He was my first celebrity crush. My Gramma and Grampa were always traveling the world and brought us back little kimono housecoats from Japan when we were about 5 and 7. We, like any self-respecting child of the 80's, pretended we were the Karate Kid and spent way too much time trying to do that one-legged-crane-kick thing
* postcards from Kiwiland
* How Sam Winchester spent his summer vacation
* National Geographic channel

awesomeness, insomnia

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