Stolen from Wendy and God knows how many other people out there in LJverse.
1. Describe in five words or less how you feel about Order of the Phoenix. (your initial reaction)
2. What are your feelings on Harry's personality? Do you think he is overly cynical, depressed, etc.?
I thought it was dead-on, characterwise. He's always had a bit of an attitude anyway and generally doesn't take crap from people (unless you count being locked in the cupboard under the stairs, which I don't) so I think that this 15 year old Harry is completely perfect. All his actions, reactions and pretty drastic emotions are understandable, realistic and true, characterwise.
3. Do you think Order of the Phoenix is appropriate for children 13 and younger? Why or why not?
12 and 13 year old kids would probably still enjoy it, but I'm not sure if kids younger than that will. I don't think there's really anything inappropriate in there for them, but I just don't know if they would like the darker turn the series took.
4. List your five most hated characters (either in Book 5 or the whole series, non-humans can be included).
Dolores Umbridge
Bellatrix Lestrange
Pansy Parkinson
Percy Weasley
4b. What are your top five (other than Harry, Ron, and Hermione) most loved characters? (either in Book 5 or the whole series, non-humans can be included)
Professor McGonagal
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
Professor Snape
5. Percy turned away from his family. Will he come crawling back to them now or ...?
Stupid Percy. Never liked him and now I suspect I never will. I don't care what he does, but I imagine the Weasley siblings will not be quick to forgive and forget.
6. What did you think of the new DADA's punishment? Why did neither Harry nor Lee complain?
That was one of the most disturbing things EVER. I think it was realistic though, if you think about kids who suffer physical abuse. They keep quiet about it, it's a shame thing. Also for Harry, it was a battle of wills and he refused to show weakness in front of this sadistic woman, knowing she would just use it against him.
7. What do you think of James and Lily now?
To quote one of my favourite movies: Well, that was unexpected.
I'm not sure what I think of James now... I was feeling a little better about the whole thing after Harry talked to Remus and Sirius, but still... makes me see Snape in a new way. I suppose I always thought that James was just like Harry and now can see that doesn't seem to be true at all.
8. Has your opinion (which is probably not too good) of Petunia Dursley changed? If yes, how so?
It has changed, somewhat. I like that she has a spine and can stand up to her husband. I'd like to know a little bit more about her relationship with Lily, but I don't completely hate her anymore.
9. What's the meaning of Snape's nickname in your opinion?
Uh... stupid nickname because kids are stupid?
Although, reminds me of Draco calling Harry "Potty."
10. What do you think of the character death? Do you think s/he will return? The "death" of this person was vague and not very final; however, remember that JKR said she cried over this character's death.
He's dead, he's not coming back. It left me feeling very, very empty and I wasn't even comprehending what had happened at first.
11. What was your favourite chapter in Order of the Phoenix? Why?
"Snape's Worse Memory." It's like that moment in your life when you realise your parents aren't exactly the people you thought they were.
12. Talk about Fred and George's "flight."
I loved it and needed it. Plus, I was freaked out that there would be whipping and after the I will not tell lies stuff, I didn't think I could take that.
But, having the Weasley twins become a Hogwarts legend was a very fitting end for them.
13. Give some thoughts on Ron.
I like Ron. He's not a favourite, but he's got his moments. I didn't find him to have developed much more in this book, but maybe next year, when he can be out of the shadows of his brothers.
13b. Give some thoughts on Hermione.
She's so perfect and always right. Gah. However, she does sort of have this role as the book's narrator, I suppose. On the other hand, she doesn't live and die by the rules and she's definitely got a rebellious and loyal spirit.
14. What did you think of Dumbledore's explanation?
Ennnnh, most of it was already stuff we knew, but I liked the bits about Neville and the bits about how much Dumbledore loves Harry. Plus, dude - he cried.
15. Do you feel satisfied by this book?
Yes. But I need the next one. Well... maybe I can wait a year or so.