Why the world doesn't need Superman

Dec 28, 2006 13:25

You know, at first I wanted to make nice. I wanted to fix things, I wanted to repair what I screwed up. I knew in my heart that your friendship was worth the struggle, the need for forgivness, worth the teary-eyed look I couldn't help but give you when you said that this is the consequence for the choice I made.

You were doing really great. Standing your ground, coming off all tough like you weren't going to break, I was proud of you. I was glad you weren't going to let me off so easily.

Then you had to go and say it:

"The only reason you talked to me about getting back together over Christmas break is so you'd have a boyfriend to do stuff with when you got home. You figured 'hey I don't have a boyfriend yet, I can get with Joe and when I leave for school again it'll be the same thing over again.'"

Used your x-ray vision on me right there, Superman. You saw through all the bullshit- you're right. I had no intentions of making things better between us for the sake of a civil friendship. No, I was just worried about having a friendly working environment at effing TARGET. I didn't really want to see if we could be alright over break for the sake of a friendship, I really just wanted a piece of ass to call up because I am an attention-starved, carnally driven monster who is just out for all I can get. I just wanted to use you for a little fun.

I don't give a damn about having a "fast, fun, and friendly" working environment. I show up, do my work, get paid and go home. The people I work with are just an extra. I can go through a night of work with or without any one of them, yourself included.

PLEASE don't flatter yourself by thinking you'd be my only option for a 'booty call'.

It just sickens me. You were doing so well- you really had me feeling remorseful for the way I handled the situation. Then you ruined it by saying something so immature and wrong.

Then challenging my integrity, saying "well I've been busy, thats why I didn't contact you. What have YOU been doing?" When I ticked off my list for you and asked if you needed more, you simply said "No I don't really care." THEN DONT EFFING ASK.

I don't think I'm in such a rush for your forgivness right now. Take your sweet time.
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