This is the list from earlier this week. I had originally separated it out by what day I was planning to do stuff, but I've done a few things already that I planned to do later in the week so I'm just going to start crossing stuff off.
Baitcon prep and other stuff...
Done before Monday
toast sesame seeds for cookies
chop and toast hazelnuts for nutella ice cream
chop pistachios
chopped ginger and chocolate for gelato
measure out pomegranate juice and refreeze
clean out car
download camera flash cards (they were all full)
finish burning cookbook CD's.
printed labels/inserts for CD's.
baked pumpkin bread
baked choc banana bread
baked cranberry bread
baked zucchini bread
grocery shopped for last minute ingredients
bake cherry bread
do laundry
vacuum the house
begin packing
print cookbook for sale signs
fix page with error in book (Yes the one that has been mailed will get the fix too. I'll mail a sticker you can use to replace the incorrect text.)
Tuesday is gluten free day...
bake GF PB cookies
bake GF lemon cookies
bake GF choc chip cookies
If weather cooperates bake meringues
if weather cooperates bake mocha meringues
make dough for honey sesame cookies - refrigerate
make dough for espresso cookies - refrigerate
take keisha to vet 7:40PMDone by G.
make dough for mint cookies - refrigerate
make dough for peanut butter cookies - refrigerate
continue packing
Wednesday is cookie day
bake honey sesame cookies
bake espresso cookies
bake mint kisses cookies
bake PB kisses cookies
bake apple oatmeal cookies
bake ginger molasses cookies
bake cappucino chip cookies
bake choc chip cookies
make sugar syrup for mandarin ginger sorbet
print out ingredients lists for cookies
continue packing
make mandarin ginger sorbet mix
make key-lime sorbet mix
make cranberry sorbet mix
make milk/sugar mix for pomegranate frozen yogurt
make spearmint infusion
make cinnamon red hots infusion
make chocolate cinnamon custard
make chocolate hazelnut custard
make ginger chocolate custard
finish packing
Pick up passenger and his gear - 7PM
take pomegranate juice from freezer to thaw
print out page of how to finish mixes for reference