I think I'm just going to leave this sitting on my screen each day so that when I get the urge to slack off and read LJ, I'll see it and be reminded of what I have to do. I'll strike out things as they are done as a way of keeping track for myself.
do laundry
bake cherry bread
wrap and put bread in freezer
vacuum the house
begin packing
print cookbook for sale signs
fix page with error in book(Yes the one that has been mailed will get the fix too. I'll mail a sticker you can use to replace the incorrect text.)
correct PDF file and reburn cookbook CD's
Already done...
toast sesame seeds for cookies
chop and toast hazelnuts for nutella ice cream
chop pistachios
chopped ginger and chocolate for gelato
measure out pomegranate juice and refreeze
clean out car
download camera flash cards (they were all full)
finish burning cookbook CD's.
printed labels/inserts for CD's.
baked pumpkin bread
baked choc banana bread
baked cranberry bread
baked zucchini bread
grocery shopped for last minute ingredients
print out page of how to finish mixes for reference.