Jan 12, 2016 09:50
- Mon, 17:33: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/wr8DKCxjCB American Empire
- Mon, 17:57: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/jd5vKyCvHP The Problems with First Past the Post Voting Explained
- Mon, 18:34: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/JMo9KqFIxX The Alternative Vote Explained
- Mon, 18:35: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/ELmuOMkDBa The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England
- Mon, 18:41: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/m7YnUoAgUd The European Union Explained*
- Mon, 18:46: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/w5peAdd82C Can Texas Secede from the Union?
- Mon, 18:55: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/4LRfAPcm6Y 10 Misconceptions Rundown
- Mon, 20:26: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/69aqdoy0Rt 8 Animal Misconceptions Rundown
- Mon, 20:56: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/D9j2bbd7Gt Cluster of Daddy Longlegs (Harvestmen) - Ajijic, Mexico
- Tue, 08:32: I added a video to a @ YouTube playlist https://t.co/q9aABuobDs ‡: Are US Military Bases and Embassies American Soil?