Intro Post!

Feb 08, 2011 15:13

Name: gkingsley aka Gayle

Age: 39

Location: Connecticut, USA

Fandoms: Doctor Who, Torchwood, House, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Firefly/Serenity, Criminal Minds ... there are more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I am more into gen fic, although I have a few OTPs. I dislike fanfic that's all about "character A and character B, who have never so much as spoken in canon, are suddenly and inexplicably drawn to the same bed at the same time. Er, and they're naked. Because it's August. Or something. Then character A slips and falls, and his/her genitals land in character B's [fill in the blank] ..." For me to be able to get into a fic where those two characters are going to shag each other to death, it's got to at least make sense in canon.

I also have a hard time with "character A and character B, two heretofore completely straight alpha males, are snogging and cuddling, giggling and buying each other chocolate hearts and teddy bears." (Which is why I could never get into Sam/Gene. It just doesn't compute. I think they'd kill each other before they got their trousers unzipped.)

I know, I know, I'm impossible to please. That's just me; YMMV, and I'm okay with that.

How you found out about Donna/Gene: My BBF (best-beta-friend) and I were sending e-mails back and forth, discussing her plot bunny infestation regarding Sherlock, and how someday I must write the Lestrade+Hunt (NOT Lestrade/Hunt, because, well, ewww) casefic I inadvertantly promised her. It devolved from there and suddenly we were talking about Gene Hunt's surprising hotness, and then somehow we got to Donna/Gene, and she found this comm. It was actually alot more organic than that, but hopefully you get the idea. ;)

Why do you ship Donna/Gene: Because he's surprisingly hot and she's the only female strong enough to keep up with him. Because they're both MADE OF AWESOME and fit together ridiculously well. Because they're both characters on shows with lots of timey-wimey goodness, so it's relatively easy to get them together so that it makes sense in canon (see above).

What is your Donna/Gene theory: Timey-wimey goodness. Fortunately, their respective shows open the doors for multiple theories, so I don't have to pick just one.

Your song for Donna/Gene: Don't have one yet - I just boarded this ship today!
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