Aug 26, 2006 14:56
an archive of my bi-polar week.
Saturday: a friend of mine started seeing some new guy. he's a little bit obnoxious sometimes. he's got a New York city attitude about things. most of my friends think he's completely annoying. I'm generally open-minded and able to tolerate people.
Went to a good friend's birthday party and had a pretty good time. It was an interesting night, to say the least. Hung out with some good friends and saw a few kids I haven't seen for a while.
Sunday: A day at the library. Basically did some reading and studying for class.
Monday: Work was the usual. First class for Survey of International Business. The professor seems like a reasonably interesting person to have as a teacher.
Tuesday: Rode my bike to my Astronomy lab at the ocean campus. It was a bit long and tiring. On the way I got chewed out by one of my friends for having a "big mouth." Apparently I've been telling people secrets of hers, which I never knew were that much of an issue. I wasn't in the mood to argue and just brushed her off. I regretted that move and called back and left an apology in her voice mail.
On the way home from school on my bike, in the pitch dark, I was flying down San Jose Ave and a car side-swiped me onto the sidewalk and I went flying over my handlebars again. I was mostly okay, but I hit my old wound from about a week ago and re-opened the scab. I got a few bruises here and there. The person that caused the accident stopped and asked if I was okay. He handed me a $50 bill and they took off. Afterward I realized that my pedal crank was bent pretty badly and it was tapping the frame during it's rotation. Replacing that part would be expensive, but I was able to figure out how to bend it back with the claw part of my hammer. Luckily I was broke as shit at the time, so the fiddy was great for buying me some dinner after I got home.
Wednesday: Second Astronomy class was good. I was worried about the pop quiz and was studying quite a bit to make sure I did alright on the first one. It turned out to be super easy, but I suspect they'll get harder. During the class we broke into groups and I got a group filled with girls. I seemed to be the one that was grasping the stuff the quickest. One of them asked me what I was studying and I told them I was thinking of Astronomy. I'm guessing that some of them are going to want a "study partner." Afterwards I ended up at The Hemlock with a couple of friends and just had a few drinks.
Thursday: Got the paycheck, thank God, and went out to get Oysters and beer at Swan with a friend. Took off for Zeitgeist afterward and played some pool and, of course, drank me some beers. Went home and watched an episode of Kids In The Hall and passed out. I woke up a half hour later and realized I was supposed to meet up at the karaoke bar with some people.
At the karaoke bar I hung out with a girl I've been interested. She's said we should be friends, but she's always flirting with me and teasing me. She told her sister, who was in town that night, that I was her "pseudo-boyfriend." In other words, I get to deal with her problems but don't get any benefits from it. I really value her friendship, but the teasing gets me pretty agitated.
Friday: I pulled a small prank on some co-workers. There was a sign that was taped down to the produce department's desk. It said something along the lines of "don't barrow anything from this desk." Below it there was an additional phrase that went, "don't right on this sign." I simply took a marker and wrote "borrow" and "write" next to those pretty ridiculous spelling mistakes. I thought it was kind of clever, but the person that made the sign thought differently. Apparently he went a little nuts on some co-workers, started making accusations and threatened to beat someone up. I heard there was an additional scribble on there that said something along the lines of "idiot" or "stupid", but I haven't had any confirmation of that yet. No one suspected I had done it. This was at least a week ago now and I wasn't really up on the gossip about the entire scandal. I asked a friend in that department if anyone found out that I had written on that sign yet. He was immediately upset with me and told me I had "ruined everything." I wasn't aware until then that I created the catalyst for this scandal and felt really bad. He was mean to me most of the rest of the day and I wound up feeling very guilty. I was glad when I could finally just go home and get away from that place.
That night was critical mass. I wound up hanging out with some friends throughout the ride and eventually broke off the mass with two guys to ride over the Golden Gate Bridge and drink a couple of beers. We found a ramp that was underneath the freeway and tried jumping over a stone setup behind it. Everyone was able to do it except for me. One time I hit the stone and fell off the bike again and re-injured my right elbow for the third time. It was a pretty fun ride getting over the bridge, however, and a very pretty view from the vista point this late at night. After getting back into the city I had a few beers with friends and played a few games of pool.