И вот - я торжественно объявляю: до конца моих дней я не
предприму ничего, чтобы повторить мой печальный опыт
возвышения. Я остаюсь внизу и снизу плюю на всю вашу
общественную лестницу. Да. На каждую ступеньку лестницы - по
плевку. Чтоб по ней подыматься, надо быть жидовскою мордою без
страха и упрека, надо быть пидорасом, выкованным из чистой
стали с головы до пят. А я - не такой.
http://lib.sarbc.ru/koi/EROFEEW/petushki.txt Ericsson's primary finding is that rather than mere experience or even raw talent, it is dedicated, slogging, generally solitary exertion - repeatedly practicing the most difficult physical tasks for an athlete, repeatedly performing new and highly intricate computations for a mathematician - that leads to first-rate performance. And it should never get easier; if it does, you are coasting, not improving. Ericsson calls this exertion "deliberate practice," by which he means the kind of practice we hate, the kind that leads to failure and hair-pulling and fist-pounding.
http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1717927-2,00.html As one Sufi poet said:
The fool neither forgives nor forgets;
The half-enlightened forgive and forget;
The Sufi forgives but does not forget.
... as Ernest Fenollosa once said, Western culture thinks that “A ring-tailed baboon is not a Constitutional Assembly” is one of the two types of meaningful statements