Dec 26, 2008 12:25
By far the most interesting thing to hve happened to me recently is that the company now in ownership of my building has made the magnanimous decision to renovate the apartments in my building, and my apartment's turn started today. Without fail, their boys (a half dozen rhythmically chattering, boisterous crowd of Dominicans, (which, much to the chagrin of my Argentinean father, is one of my favorite Spanishes to listen to) arrived at 07.30hrs and in a rush began demolishing the entire bathroom. I can tell you that I am ecstatic that the old tile floor, worn porcelain tub, and sink cabinet that I've never really become comfortable with over the past 10 yrs of my residence here are gone. However, the renovation is supposed to go on for 14 days, during which time, the empty apt 2 floors up and on the opposite end of the hallway is available for me to utilize (they even gave me a key, how nice of them). Since I'm making this post from my phone, I can't include the shots of the empty sace I just took with my camera, but I'll be sure to forward those along the next time I'm near a desktop. I'm sitting behind the plastic barrier covered door to my room wondering about the best way to go about Trickster in the land of dreams...since this is clealry going to end up being a common area, I'm wondering if I should put rubber bugs in the shower or something...