Sold another one. That makes two fictions hitting the stands this year. Watch for official release dates in the near future. This one is actually pretty interesting, I think: the call was for an ethnic piece that involved lesbian women of color, and a pair of purple panties. Add ingredients to bowl, turn mixer to medium high, and circulate for 15 minutes. As
jaspamaster is wont to say 'more giddyap!'. So, not to leave you totally in the dark,
“Hnnnngh!” she exclaims and pushes me towards the stairs at the back of the hall. They are steep, and winding, and rounding the corner on the landing between the two flights leading to the second floor I slam into the wall, saved only by my unsturdy grip on the wooden railing. She helps me up and spanks my ass with each step on the way to her floor where I follow her to her door. We’re no sooner inside than she pushes me onto the bed, and tears open the top to my outfit. Not to be outdone, I work the already half open shirt down around those delicious mounds and unhook the bra so I can get at those swollen nipples. She reaches down and gets her hand in my panties and I know she can feel where my wetness has soaked through. Thank the gods I was wearing black today. I’m so turned on at this point that her hand grazing my aching clit and gently massaging my lips brings unexpected shudders from me. I grab that sinuous arm and dig my nails into it, releasing what is just the beginning of months of frustration onto the gently swirling fingers. Once the shaking stops, all of my speech functions have been summarily inhibited, though I’ve regained control of my limbs and decide to simply go after the prize. She’s teasing me by wearing button fly jeans, and she looks down smiling at me as I fumble with drunken fingers and in delirium at the closure.
Got the emergency text from Philth around 4pm-ish that simply said 'bar tonight?'. Granted, both of us have respectively easy weekends, but, in the middle of the week, that can only spell badness. Of course, we managed to do enough damage on our own, but then MRod had to get involved, and made the trip in from JC. That's when things really started getting out of hand because Philth and MRod constantly bicker over who's gonna to pay for rounds. Slept longer'n I have in a month last night, and I'm still sorting through the imagery during my dreaming hours. Woke up to the girls doing their rhinocerous gig on me somewhere around 09.30 hrs. Gonna try to get to Shinjo Ito's exhibit at the Milk gallery either today or tomorrow, watch for pics.