So, it has come to pass that the zombie hordes will finally be unleashed upon the lands. The strangeness is that it had not transpired earlier.
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Given the overabundance of undead material listlessly roaming about the entertainment sphere consuming disposable cash and fans' free time with a mindless voracity, from
28 Days Later and the
Resident Evil series, all the way back to
Night of the Living Dead (bet you didn't realize there was a remake) and
Army of Darkness, and even including
The Serpent and the Rainbow, the appropriately titled
Doomsday, and equally ominous
Planet Terror - some of these had to have been more than simple fictional speculation. But then, who knows? Personally, I'm not sure what to think: Miami PD claims it was "cocaine induced hysteria" but this sounds more like an episode of PCP gone awry (especially the part where he didn't die until taking at least 6 bullets) more than anything else.
But what truly sends me for a loop is rabid commentary like this
Jezebel article. Now, I'll be the first to put it out there - my political leanings are closely in line with what the author is saying: our poor, our downtrodden, our yearning to be free unquestionably are in dire need of an immediate-if-not-sooner expansion of the social safety networks. That is entirely without argument, strengthen the implementation phase of the
Affordable Care Act post-haste. I am reticent, however, to believe that the paramount cause of this present manifestation of a horrific nightmare is the direct result of a yawning chasm in the fabric of public service entities. When, precisely, was the last time you heard of two homeless men battling for who was going to be dinner? And, from the surveillance video it is painfully obvious that the man who did the chewing was plainly in much better physical condition than the one who was chewed upon.
All of that being said, it is plainly clear that whatever occurred in Miami, we will not learn the truth of for years hence (though hopefully, not too many.) Mutant interstellar virus? Escaped, government financed bio-weapon? Deal with the devil gone terrifyingly awry? Deal with the wrong devil? Or raving lunatic that belonged in an underfunded state mental facility? That is for you to decide and the authorities presently to occlude. But whatever it is that might be coming, we need a very hefty dose of creative thinking if even minor pieces of the films mentioned above have even a negligible probability of becoming reality. The requisite flexibility of mind, my dear compatriots, is one natural resource which we have in exceedingly short supply.