forrest gump

Jul 03, 2006 21:36

hello all

today was an uneventful day and due to this, another uneventful update

i tried to cook eggs today and failed. yes, it is possible to fail at cooking eggs. i left them unattended as i was searching for my grandma. by the time i returned, they appeared to look fine, but they were not

i tried riding my bike today again. my ass still hurts from my intense bike ride from last week.

let's see what people are doing right now. Veronica is watching fireworks with Cassia. Cassia is watching fireworks with Veronica. Jeff is reminiscing about Paris. Hmm i'm trying to think of other ppl who may read this and what they're doing. Sorry Anna and Nhi, because I do not have your sn's or because you are not online, i cannot publicize what you're currently doing

there's nothing good on tv anymore. it's pretty disappointing.

o yes, i wanted to congratulate those who read my last, entire entry. it's comforting to know that there are ppl just as bored as i am

i'm still planning veronica's party. i need to come up with a date. o yes, i need to tell veronica that she's having a party too

i tripped over a box at work today, it was a pretty large box.

for the past hour i have periodically put marshmallows in my microwave to see how large they can get. it's pretty amusing. try it, you'll agree

fourth of july is tomorrow. fireworks are bomb, hello nhi

what's up anna

i think i'm losing my mind. i seriously have nothing to do anymore. i have explored all the options i could do in this house, and all that's left are studying for SATs, studying for physics, reading, and college searching. i'm not up to doing those yet

mara will be home the day after tomorrow, which is pretty much tomorrow because today is almost over. sweeet deal

i had a mint and cinammon popsicle today. it got me pretty pissed off. why would anyone invent that. it's repulsing and disgusting. i'm sure if God had a say, he would forbid the making of mint/cinammon popsicles. lkasjdflkadsfasdlfk

i'll be getting my car sometime soon. beware to all. don't say that i didn't warn you when i run you over. muahahah

sometimes i think i have too much time

i bet that i could name more drugs than you can

alright, i'll finish now, the end

what the hell! stupid lj won't let me make it friends only again. anna or cassia, use your magic lj powers and tell me what i'm doing wrong
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