It makes me happy...

Oct 01, 2005 11:15

So school was interesting. I had my first history test and I didn't do so hot. The way he grades it is odd, very odd.

I finally got caught eating in Calculus. It's all because a teacher pointed it out to her-a teacher that will be on my 'ruined my life' list. and here's how the conversation went:
Me: munch munch munch
(Stupid teacher tells mrs. izzi and then walks out of the room)
Mrs Izzi: Peter, are you eating in class?
(I think for half a second)
Me: It makes me happy

I think I'm acquiring the feelings of an obese child. Food really does make me happy, I think that's why I'm so happy during chemistry, because she lets me eat food, and that makes me happy. I guess it's back to eating food secretly during calculus. I figured that I'm really angry during the periods where I don't get to eat food, and I take it all out on Sabaa which is really funny because me, lauren, and wally gang up on her.

On sadder terms, Sam's wake was yesterday. I really wished I could go, to say goodbye at least. I feel wicked guilty because I could've gotten to know her better, she was a great person that everybody loved. I talked to a few people who went to the wake, and all of them cried. It's really hard to lose someone like Sam, but at least we can reminisce of the times we had with her and take delight in knowing that she's be in a better place.

Wow, I'm depressed now, I think I need a granola bar. Bye all
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