Nine things you wear daily:
1. Knee Highs of the plaid variety (every. single. day.)
2. The anklets
3. My hemped birthday present
4. shoes, usually chuck(ed) ones
5. the knot ring
6. a shirt of no importance
7. my jeans.
8. my wallet (its in my back pocket yo)
9. oh oh and the precious!
Eight movies you could watch over and over:
1. Holy Grail
2. Lotr
3. Empire Records
4. Amelie
5. Under the Tuscan Sun
6. Princess Bride
7. Muppert Treasure Island. Hell yes.
8. Secret garden
Seven of your favorite songs at the moment(OF TODAY, suckers!): (Macky had the right idea about changing it to band/artist)
1. Chai (even if I only have heard two songs.)
2. Badly Drawn Boy
3. Grandaddy
4. Kweller!
5. New Pornographers
6. Harmonica Pocket
Six objects you touch everyday:
1. My 2B pencil
2. Sorbet and the corndog
3. bed
4. cell phone (<-- loser)
5. computer
6. my nose. bop!
Five things you do everyday:
1. complain
2. annoy
3. sarcasm
4. destroy
5. glutton
(little side note: Man, was that negative or what?)
Four bands you couldn't live without: (Only 4??)
1. Ben Kweller!
2. OLP (only for the old stuff.)
3. badly Drawn Boy
4. Ben Folds
Three things you love at the moment:
1. My bed
2. My friends (I'm feeling awfully loved tonight, kids.)
3. myself (ladies and gentlemen. please turn your attention to the previous answer because that is a first and last. I am amazed)
Two people who have influenced your life the most:
1. Rote
2. Mack
One thing you could spend the rest of your life with:
the word "pie" (wearesomarried)
[my name is]: Super spy
[in the morning i am]: very grumpy
[all i need is]: hugs from people who mean them
[love is]: all you need, other than hugs
[if i could see one person right now]: Mack, Rote, Quinn, Tristan
[im afraid of]: being alone.
[i dream about]: no see, I dream in musicals. It rocks. Or movies. That rocks too.
[pictured your crush naked?]: Nope, can't say that I have. Honest.
[actually seen your crush naked]: No.
[been in love]: Its hard to explain, truly.
[cried when someone died]: I cried when I thought someone was going to die.
[drank alcohol]: Yeah. Makes for a bad story.
[coke or pepsi]: Coke.
[flowers or candy]: give me blood! No, I lied. If someone gave me peachy o's, I'd be theirs. Forvever.
WHO . . .
[makes you laugh the most?]: Not one person. Everyone makes me laugh. Its my curse.
[makes you smile]: almost everyone.
[gives you a good funny feeling when you see them]: no butterflies, none.
[has a crush on you?]: Nobody. I'm loserish like that. ^^
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: I talk to everybody, honestly.
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you]: no
[save aol/aim conversations]: All the time.
[cry because of someone saying something to you]: Yes.
[fallen for your best friend]: not a best friend exactly
[been rejected]: well Um, somewhat not really
[rejected someone]: no
[used someone]: no
[been cheated on]: no
[you talked to]: Erin
[hugged]: I can't remember. It been a long time since I hugged anyone
[you instant messaged]: Mack
[you laughed with]: Mack. Last night.
DO YOU . . .
[color your hair]: just red
[habla espanol]: I speak a dead language called LATIN.
[smoke] no.
[obsessive]: 1/2.
[could you live without the computer?]: possibly
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: 164
[what's your favorite food?]: Don't have one.
[whats your favorite fruit?]: Kumquat.
[trust others way too easily?]: It takes a lot for me to trust you.
F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . .
[i want]: a mime scarf
[i wish]: So many people didn't live so far away
[i love]: my friends.
[i miss]: being able to cry
[i fear]: being alone
[i hear]: tv. somewhere far away
[i wonder]: what the temperature is in Andorra