Bah, so things have been going. How are things with you?
I have zero motivation, determination, concentration, plenty of procrastination and a lack of plenty other things ending with ation.
I feel very inadequate...but I just can't put a finger on why that is.
ACT this Saturday :/ Hopefully I'll get a better score this time
Hill's Halloween party this Sat. as well, something to look forward to :)
I'd really like to go to a haunted house in now
I don't know what this one is all about
geez, I would be facing the wrong way
That's better
I always have to be the difficult one don't I
The girls I would be nowhere without <3
This one would not let me rotate it
That is all...I would have put some up of my date and I, but he doesn't like pictures
Here's to tan lines!