Sep 25, 2005 15:40
im just going to post something that was left on my myspace in box by t fair, i dont know what he was going but good lord this shit is funny............
donk? How sweet the beer will taste on my 21st b day and the wine that weekend at my pops wedding...How sweet the words will be in the swish of the you want some cheese with those wines..Fuck off then donk....ey you smeel of sexy homo and that worries me cause you are either hooking up wiht homos or I am gay...minus that me gay thing i think u smell like homos... i am biopolar ..u think? what up /// fuck no i am not... i am so fucked up dinky m,u little dinky
ahhaha i smell of booze and some shirt i ahve been wearing for 4 days...i miss u live daivd berch for his wrestling love one heart VALOR
ps. little dinky dink keep it freaky dinky naughty!
god i luv that kid.....that is all....1love