A tribute to Mask

Mar 18, 2009 12:35

So if you know me you know I'm an MMA fan. I was deeply saddened last week when TAPOUT founder Charles "Mask" Lewis was killed in a car accident. i read more about him and I never truly knew how genuine and how giving the guy was. He was not only a pioneer for the sport but one hell of a man.

He touched many lives with his generosity. I love MMA. It has made me more disciplined as a person. I used to fight all the time. i would punch a guy in the face just because he looked at me wrong. Yeah people called me a bad ass and a tough guy and i enjoyed the attention. But I realized that fighting was stupid. I grew to love it as a sport and when it's regulated with rules it makes it even better.

My dream has always to be a professional fighter. I used to train and practice. but shit I'm getting up there and not in the best shape so i know that dream probably isn't a reality, so i just am content to be a fan and watch it lol

Yeah he dressed crazy and painted his face but that was just to draw attention to his business and make him stick out, He was an honest man and a great person.

But Mask said many things that could inspire a person and what im gonna write inspired me more than anything he has ever said. Here's a quote from Mask.

"Life is full of influences; It's your application that sets you apart. That's something I wrote to myself and completely believe in. You can't be scared to set out to do something in life because you believe it may be similar to something, or because you don't know the clear cut path on how you're going to accomplish your goal or dream! Just take a step towards your belief daily - fearlessly, wholeheartedly, digging and dreaming within yourself, believing that as you push on through sacrifice, you will one day stand alone on top of a hill that you created that now encourages and inspires others to chase their dream. Knowing that through tenacity and patience anything can be achieved."

That made me think anything is possible as long as i strive for it!! God Bless you Charles "Mask" Lewis

R.I.P Charles "Mask" Lewis Jr.   You will be missed but not forgotten
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