Solo No Mo' ;; Prologue

Aug 17, 2009 21:54

Title; Solo No Mo'
Fandom/Pairing; Big Bang - G Dragon/OC
Rating; PG-13
Summary; Hee Jin doesn't know how to walk. G Dragon doesn't know how to flee.
Author's Note; This is for my dearest GD's birthday. He has, and always will be, beyond important to me, giving me inspiration, making me smile, making my days with nothing but his smile. G Dragon, you don't know me, but this is for you; I love you.


Ji Yong was always in love.

His love was ever changing. Usually, his love was of music. With his group Big Bang so much bigger than he could ever imagine, with his solo album just a day away, music was a huge part of Ji Yong’s live.

And then there were the whores.

For the most part, they weren’t actually whores - at least not the kind you had to shell out money for. Regardless, all they cared about was his money. “I want this”, “I want that”, “If you loved me, you would by me this” - was all he would hear.

“I love you, baby,” they would say, new rings on their fingers, necklaces around their necks that Ji Yong would, in his right mind, never buy - he’d give them the world and get nothing in return.
However, Ji Yong couldn’t help but fall in love. He hated it. Every part of his being wished that he didn’t have to love. How nice would that be?

Yet, he always did love someone, his heart didn’t agree with his head. Ji Yong was meant to love, it just how it was.

When Ji Yong met Hee Jin, he didn’t like her. Well, it wasn’t so much that he didn’t like her, it was like he hated her. Every thing about her - he couldn’t stand it all. He hated her style - it was so similar to his own, yet different at the same time - he hated that she had a weird accent - she grew up in America, it happens - he hated that she was so easy to smile, no matter what was going on.

Most of all, though, he hated that she always killed him.

It was a hot summer day. Then again, there was never an August 15th that wasn’t hot. It’s just how it was. Ji Yong hated that his birthday was in the summer. He wished it could have been in the spring, where it was cooler, where there were more things you could do.

Then again, on his twenty-fist birthday, there was only one thing he was going to. It mostly had to do with his solo album coming out. But there was really nothing else G Dragon wanted to but go to a club that was only going to play his songs over and over again and drink until the songs slurred into one large hum. It sounded perfect.

And it would have been perfect it Hee Jin was just watching where she was going.

Or if she wasn’t so clumsy.

Either one would have been nice.

Instead, she ended up running into Ji Yong, pushing him into the street, where cars were zooming around as if their life depended on it.

It was then that he got hit.

The car had tried it’s best to slow down, but it wasn’t able to slow down completely. The car hit Ji Yong with such impact - honestly, it was nothing more than a bump - that the man fell backwards.

But because Ji Yong has to make everything dramatic, he fainted.

Hee Jin dropped all of her shopping bags that had obstructed her view and ran over to him. He was non-responsive has his eyes opened and closed at a rapid rate for about a minute.

Then his eyes closed. Not thinking about checking for a pulse, Hee Jin stood up and began running around the streets, scared, yelling, “I KILLED G DRAGON!”

Eventually, someone was nice enough to check if he actually had a pulse. Finding out that he did, the man ran over and told Hee Jin that he was alive.

“Oh,” she said, “okay. That’s good.” She smiled and then made her way back over to him. Someone had already called an ambulance and so Hee Jin just waited, looking at him. It was strange to see the chaotic G Dragon so calm, so peaceful. He was beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Maybe, Hee Jin found herself thinking, if I give him mouth to mouth, he’ll wake up.
And so, she leaned down towards him and pried his mouth open before placing hers on his.

Although why he had fainted has nothing to do with a lack of air, the “mouth to mouth” - which was really only Hee Jin thinking she had any idea what she was doing - caused him to wake up. Realizing what was going on, he got up and ran away.

Only to run into another car.

Then car, however, was parked and it was simply Ji Yong’s fault for not paying any attention as to where he was going. Once again, he landed back onto the hard pavement. This time, however, he didn’t pass out, doing everything he could to stay awake. He didn’t want the crazy girl on his lips again.

Even so, she ran over to where Ji Yong had fallen and leaned down, looking at him, caring, scared that he had died once again. Thankfully, though, his eyes were open and he was breathing. There was no need for her to worry, she was fine.

“The ambulance should be here soon,” she told him with a smile. “And don’t you worry, I’ll be with you the whole time. Nothing bad will happen to you ever again!”
And there is really only one word that could describe the feelings that consumed Ji Yong’s being at the words:


p: kwon jiyong/ofc, g: humor, story: solo no mo', r: pg-13, g: romance, bestlies

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