Title: The King’s Thief 2/?
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Jaeho/Yunjae, Yoosu and Changta- because
soloscry has gotten to me ^__- although I can't complain
dongbangboys aka me
Rating: Pg-13 (subjected to change)
Genre: Alt Uni, Fluff, Adventure, and a lil bit of angst thrown in.
Summary: VERY loosely based on The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner.
Jaejoong and Changmin are the self-proclaimed best thieves in all of Sorlel. After Jaejoong brags about their lastest endeavor they get thrown in the king’s prison, one night a supposed ex-magis came to them and offered to break them out for their services. But what does this ex-magis have to hide? A past? And what do two princes from opposing countries have to do with all this? Read on and find out!
Disclaimer: I do not own the Dong Bang boys, though I wish I did. Nor am I suggesting that these events depicted is real. I also do not own The thief.
really made me feel good^__^ and so I present..Chapter Two!!
“Now, we need to get out of here” Junsu sounded relieved.
“Uh huh, and how do you propose we do that?”
Jaejoong went to the cell door and looked around for any guards, there weren’t any. So, carefully, he took a pin off his left sleeve, inserted it into the keyhole and with a few twists the door swung open.
Junsu was impressed, they really are the thieves they boast to be.
“Now what?” Changmin was impatient, he couldn’t wait to get out of this hellhole.
Grinning, Junsu said “follow me.”
As they crept out of the cell Jaejoong and Changmin looked around and saw water dripping off of mouldy walls and huge, fat rats scurrying around. Even in the darks they could see despair on the prisoners faces, their fellow inmates could see that they were sneaking out but didn’t say anything, because they were all thinking the same thing ‘they won’t make it out alive’
“Take out the dagger, just in case.” Junsu instructed Changmin.
Surprised Changmin did as he was told ‘How did he know that I had one’ he thought.
"I saw you reaching for it earlier."
‘Oh, that could be one way...’
“We’re almost at the point where there are the most guards.” Junsu said in a whisper. “Do whatever I do”
They nodded and immediately Junsu climbed the brick wall beside them, reaching a ledge about two man-heights up. Even without lights, for the lamp had been dropped and forgotten, Jaejoong and Changmin scaled the side of the prison wall easily and swung themselves on to the ledge beside Junsu.
“Jaejoong help me get this grate open” Junsu asked as he tugged on the grate behind them.
Jaejoong hadn’t noticed the grate though, he was too busy watching the shift-change of the guards below. “What..? Oh sure”
Changmin chuckled softly “Jae-ah how do you expect to steal the Hepistha Stone when you’re so easily distracted?”
Jaejoong scowled and said “Respect your hyung Changmin or else I’ll one-touch you back to the cell!”
Changmin only smirked. “You couldn’t if you tried.
“why you l-“
“Bicker all you want when we get out!” Junsu whispered furiously. “Now isn’t the time!”
Although Changmin was teasing Jaejoong, the latter had managed to free the grate. Smiling at Junsu, Jaejoong gave a half-bow and gestured for him to go first.
As they crawled in the damp darkness Junsu explained in detail their plan of escape.
“At the end of this tunnel, we come out close to the guards’ barracks, then we have to scale the side of the castle to a height where we can jump on to the roof of the barracks. We wait for a colleague of mine to give us a signal then we jump from the roof and run for cover in the nearby forest. Once there, my colleague has packed food, water and other necessities, on some horses he filched from the stables, god knows the king has enough of those.
“Sounds like a plan.” Changmin said after he finished.
“Will the colleague of yours be joining us?” Jaejoong asked.
“No, we won’t even see him, for his identity must not be known for the sake of protecting him”
“Alright then”
Crawling for what seemed like eternity the tunnel they had been in slowly turned into stairs, very steep ones.
“Why is this tunnel here?” Changmin inquired as they climbed. “It seems awfully stupid to have a passageway out of the prison”
“Before, the royal prison was a secret treasury for the royal family, this was one of the ways of getting in. Not many people know about this.” Was the explanation he got.
“But then, how do you know?”
Junsu sighed. He didn’t tell many people what he was about to tell them but there was something about those two that made him feel…. safe could be the word to describe it. He laughed to himself, ‘No wonder they make great thieves, they have an aura that makes people trust them’. Well, at least Changmin does. Jaejoong’s first impression was that of a cold, heartless bastard, that was before he spoke. Junsu sighed once again and said “my father was the magis before me. Growing up I believed I had to meet his standard, so I locked myself in the library and read. Read until my eyes were sore and head spun. I studied maps as well, of the three countries, of continents beyond, and even of the castles and estates of kings and barons. Since the maps I studied were often old, they included many different passageways, such as this one and I memorized them, scared that my father would come in and test me. I wasn’t just trained as a scholar though, a magis has to be thoroughly trained in all aspect of life. So, I learned archery, riding, swordsmanship and anything a young knight would have to learn. All to please my father and the king. When my father died, the king, seeing that I had worked so hard and excelled in all my studies, appointed me magis, the youngest one in history.”
“You had no childhood, your mom or older siblings must’ve let you play or something!” Jaejoong exclaimed.
“My mom died at childbirth and my older twin Junho, died at ten from pneumonia” Junsu’s voice was blank, devoid of any emotion
“Oh” Jaejoong felt stupid for even asking.
Though Changmin couldn’t see Junsu’s face, he could imagine that it was blank, a mask that Junsu might’ve trained so hard to perfect. One thing he wondered though “How old are you?”
“Twenty-two, I was eighteen when appointed magis”
“I’m twenty-three, you’re younger than me!” Was Jaejoong’s surprised voice.
Changmin wanted to know more, but tactfully kept his mouth shut.
About half an hour went by without any talking, just the rhythmical pat of feet climbing the steep staircase, until Junsu said “there’s light up ahead, we’re almost there, we’ll take a brief rest. We need our energy to climb the castle wall.”
They stopped and sat on the stairs a bit, trying to catch their breath. It was then Jaejoong said “Hahahaha Changminnie is still the youngest!”
Changmin hit him, hard. While muttering, “see if I ever call you hyung again.”
All Jaejoong could do was pout and sulk.
Junsu smiled ‘those two,’ he thought ‘they fight and bicker and tease but it was obvious they are the best of friends’ Junsu longed for someone like that, someone he could trust his life with. He did have someone but that person is lost to him.
Shaking his head of bad thoughts he stood up and called Changmin and Jaejoong up as well. They stood and the three continued climbing what was left of the stairs.
Reaching the end of the tunnel, there was a lamp hanging by hook on the side of the wall. They needed it as it was still dark out
“I left it here just in case” Junsu explained.
In front of them was a small stone door, they had to crouch in order to get through. Outside on a small ledge, Junsu looked around and seeing no guards signalled Changmin and Jaejoong to follow. Holding the lamp between his teeth he grasped the stone wall of the castle, it was easy to climb since the bricks were uneven and provided great foot and handholds. Jaejoong and Changmin followed easily since it was almost always part of their job. Junsu then started descending, which was a lot harder since he couldn’t see the bricks below. More than once he slipped and almost fell in to brambles below, but he always caught himself. That wasn’t the case for Changmin and Jaejoong, easily and lithely scaling the wall. When Junsu could see that the guards barracks were close enough to jump on, he leapt and landed softly on the roof and motioned for Jaejoong and Changmin to do the same. Once they were all safely on the roof, they crept to the edge facing the forest and waited for the signal. Silent and tense there was no conversation, non of them wanted to alert the guards.
A arrow went up, along with it a beam of light that illuminated their signal. With their sharp eyes, Changmin and Junsu both saw the purple feather that was attached.
“It’s the go-ahead signal” Junsu whispered. “We need to jump, and immediately run into the woods after.”
They nodded to show it was understood and two thieves and an ex-magis leapt off the building and ran into the forest beyond.
It had been a few days since the escape from the king’s prison. The three were steadily heading north to where Junsu said the Stone was hidden, somewhere in the Sorlelian mountains close to where Sorlel, Birca and Notilla meet.
During their time together, Changmin and Jaejoong told Junsu about their previous ‘jobs’. They only stole from the rich and no not like Robin Hood they didn’t give it to the poor, they kept most and well, they kept all. The way the figured it was, if the rich can afford to buy useless, expensive objects then they could most definitely afford to ‘lose’ these objects, afterall, there’s no use for them. Junsu had laughed when they explained this theory and heartily agreed.
When he asked if they had family however, they said that they had both grown up in orphanages and if they did have family, they probably didn’t want them. That was Changmin’s saying. Jaejoong explained they grew up together and when they were thirteen, they hightailed it out of there (A/n: meaning escaped :P). After, they travelled around, at first they did acrobatic performances to make money then they figured out a easier way. On third day riding however, Changmin asked Junsu why he was exiled, that led to some tense silence when Junsu wouldn’t respond and simply said he was going to ride ahead to see for if there was any people.
On the fourth night, around a fire, Junsu suddenly said “I’ve been thinking and I decided that I should tell you why I was exiled.” Jaejoong and Changmin, who were previously lying haphazardly around the fire, sat up and at then same time said “really?”
Junsu nodded “but I have to warn you, the story is quite long”
“Doesn’t matter”
Junsu sighed and began his story.
End Chapter 2
A/n: OMG lol
So sorry I left you guys with a cliffy!!!
*gets bricked* but.. next chap will include some yoosu *GASP*.... a hint...?
please comment! because all your comments feed me! and more action will come later, this was basicly to explain their pasts and help you guys to know more about their charaters.
and I know this chapter is short.. but this fic came at a bad time hopefully later on they will be longer *gets smacked*