Title: Fairytale
Pairing(s): Changry (Changmin/Henry)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, General
A/N: Requested by:
sin_delightSummary: No summary cause I can't think of one...>.<
They first met at a little get together consisting of Dong Bang Shin Ki and the giant mob that is Super Junior, it was to celebrate the success of TVXQ in Japan and their short return to Korea. He had left Zhoumi clinging on Hankyung’s arm to navigate his way through the apartment full of almost strangers speaking an almost strange language, he just wanted to go to the bathroom but everything seemed to be harder in Korea.
He supposed it could be a glorified moment when he looked up and saw him, in a fairytale it would’ve been love at first sight and the charming stranger would sweep him up and ride into the sunset. It was more like a flustered kid running into a stranger. No, not like that either, it was plain old Henry plowing almost headfirst into Shim Changmin, Choikang Changmin of TVXQ, and Choikang Changmin chuckling and helping him up while plain old Henry says sorry in English, Korean or a mixture of both. Henry was mortified, he had caused a member of TVXQ to hate him! Changmin was surely going to tell the other members and they’re going to hate him too, he really didn’t need this.
Dejectedly, he slumped into the bathroom, when he finished and was making his way back to his little corner, he bumped into Kangin. The older boy smiled down at him and said
“Hey, go get some alcohol from the liquor store down the street to spice up this party! You’re old enough right?”
Henry had nodded dumbly and said what he hoped was
“but your fans will get me”
“Oh come on! You’re the least recognizable out of all of us, trust me. No one would recognize you.” Kangin shoved some money into his hand and pushed him to the door. Henry tried to call out to Hankyung except the older boy was nowhere to be found.
Turns out, Kangin was wrong.
He had taken one step out the door when he heard
Needless to say, he ran for his life from what he believed to be rabid Only 13 fangirls. They caught up to him and the rest of the details remain a blur, but he does remember somehow making it back to the apartment.
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Changmin remembers he was bored that day at the party. Well, he was, until the kid that crashed into him earlier stumbled in the door, bruised and bleeding. Changmin had originally thought the boy was a relative of one of the Super Junior members but now recognized him as Henry, one of the new additions to Super Junior. He had heard about him briefly from Yunho, about the unfairness of Soo Man to do that to Super Junior, he had thought similarly.
Changmin’s eyes widened as Henry slowly made his way to the couch, half-limping, everyone else was frozen, watching. No one made a move to help the young violinist. Changmin felt himself jerking forward and catching the boy as he tripped over a discarded can. He thought he heard a feeble thanks from Henry before the boy passed out, still in Changmin’s arms. Then everyone rushed forward at the same time, asking whether he was ok and Changmin wanted to yell at them saying, he wasn’t alright, he wasn’t ok, he was bleeding and all of them are jerks for letting him go out when they know he will get hurt, but he doesn’t. Instead, he carried the prone boy over to the couch, laid him down and proceeded to tend to his injuries with out letting anyone near Henry, much like a mother bird, as Jaejoong remarked after looking back.
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In the end Choikang Changmin and plain old Henry become great friends and when Henry is in China and sick and tired of hate mail and screaming teenaged girls, Changmin steps in and whisks him off on a white stallion. Just like Prince Charming. It was a fairytale after all, except the princess is very much a man. The rest, as they say, is history.