Language Show

Oct 22, 2011 17:29

my hands have sharpie lines of different colors all over them, as if i've been drawing all day or doing something else more creative..
while in fact, i've been teaching people hangeul :D
if was so much fun!
i'm helping out at the korean stand at the language show during this weekend, and today's 5 hour shift seemed like 5 minutes to me, i would've stayed longer if they didn't [forcefully] send me home :) tomorrow i'm working the full day :DDD

i'm actually a people person, so it seems!!
i was smiling and joking and helping people write their names in hangeul on the bags the whole day, and i enjoyed it immensely!!.. i always thought that i'd suck at a job that requires constant contact with people and good communication skills.
actually, the most interesting part was when a lot of women in their forties and fifties, after learning the basics of korean from me, asked questions about where do i come from (one actually used a term 'where were you brought up?'), what's my major, and how many languages i know (for that i was literally put as an example of what one of the moms wanted her daughter to be, the girl was right there, and she seemed 'thrilled' at the prospect of a linguistically complicated future)..
one woman from russia asked me all about how i got into my uni, she has a 17y/o daughter :) another asked for some kpop recommendations to keep up with the korean population of the class she teaches at school or something xD

i'm happy i shared this experience with one of the new kpop friends i have, Larissa from Russia, who's also going to the KCC for the language course.. her korean is on a pretty epic level, so i need to keep her close xD jk! she's really cool..
and i meet a lot of representatives from different korean companies and associations, and i had a chance to talk with one of the koreans who's from the very top, we got into the same train on our way home! he asked me all about myself, and we talked about Ukraine, London, kpop.. in 10 month he's going back to Korea, because his term here will be finished, and there he'll become a diplomat at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, i think! :) i'm not sure about what title he holds here..

Shin Eunjeong sshi, the head of the KCC, also came today, she's so great! she always makes sure to tell everyone 'this is Olesia from Ukraine' xD even if she's not introducing me, just pointing it out xD

there were two samsung tablets at our stand, luring people in with different videos (as if free bags were not enough xD the crowd was massive! they lined up and waited just to write their name in a weird language on a bag xD) and when i was leaving i went to see what they were actually showing, and there was a couple standing there and watching the first episode of Secret Garden xD the girl said she turned off the video that was playing and looked for something else, and me and her, we have quite similar opinions about Hyun Bin xDDD

can't wait till tomorrow!! :) (can't believe they're actually paying me good money for this!)
and then the flashmob on monday! yay!
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