Sep 28, 2003 09:40
insurance sucks. why aren't they open on weekends?! i have to wait til monday before my dad calls them to put me under the insurance. did you know boys have higher insurance than girls? thats bs.
anyway i went to the presbyterian flea market yesterday. it sucked there was nothing i wanted. there were a bunch of garage sales i saw too but i couldn't go because i had work. it was my first time opening. around 1 there was a huuuge little kid birthday party. luckily this old lady jane from the other store in bridgewater (which just closed) came to help with that. she was nice and funny and good friends with the VP of my school fraunheim. she's like oh say hi to him for me. hahahahah yeah right. oh and i later found out it was a whole grade from SMS. it's funny because i remember the teachers wouldn't let you give out party invitations unless you gave one to everyone.
came home and slept. my hands smelled horrible from the bleach so i kept drifting in and out of sleep smelling it. talked to maria who invited me to the movies. she and brice picked me up and we chilled for a little bit before we picked up the infamous megan manley (don't worry meagan hanley ur still my #1 m.anley) who had nicely healed eyebrow and labret piercings. we went to regal to see Cold Creek Manor. i got all of us in with my new 17 year old driver's license because maria and megan forgot theirs or something. ericberg came about 20 minutes into the movie. let me say, Cold Creek Manor blew chunks all over baimba. it was really bad, stupid concept. new york city family is sick of city (because it's too "dangerous") and move to some bumpkin town in new york state into some big old house. i'm sure the whole audience was waiting for the ghosts to start appearing. but it wasn't a haunted house movie! it was about some stupid feud between them and the guy who used to live there. when the movie ended ericberg put it perfectly.. "the feel good movie of the summer."
um, went to maria's after that. she has the best bed in the world and i want to fornicate on it. i saw all her paintings too, she's really talented. it makes me wish i actually pursued my art, because all i do is doodle busty women.
jen lewis called me in the middle of the night last night asking for amine's number and jimi hendrix experience was playing on my stereo. i don't remember turning it on. freaky
i have work today with little josh s. i don't want to wooooooooooooooork.