Brooklyn Rachel Donegan's Aliases
Your movie star name: Carmal Bars Fank
Your fashion designer name is Brooklyn
Your socialite name is New York New York
Your fly girl / guy name is B Don
Your detective name is Tiger East Detroit
Your barfly name is Oatmeal Creme Pie Sky Blue
Your soap opera name is Rachel 10 Mile
Your rock star name is Suckers Car
star wars name is Brosmo Donkyl
Your punk rock band name is The Happy Pencil
The Amazing Meganame Generator Alright?!?!?
Hmm i never update this..oops
-umm Katie and Justin broke up :(
-Anthony has the cutest dog!
- Kaila and Alexa are dumb!
--They passed 10 mile while WALKING down Gratiot! WOW
--- But i love them
- My cat almost killed me today!
-- Yes i could have choked her!!!!... but she has nails
- n ss!w !
- Softballs alright
- idk anymore... ill update later
Today im goin to my grandmas retirement party.
Put a gun to my head, and paint the walls with my brain.
-Fight Club
^ thats in alexa profile, Nice!