Of the darndest things

Nov 18, 2007 19:46

(Geez, I seem to be on a mad posting spree today. Please do cooperate as my swollen cheek + medications are leading me to be easily amused and therefore finding things easily blog-worthy.)

You know how kids are, right? They ask you silly questions which you think are absolutely absurd, but when you look at them and their big, innocent eyes you can't help but laugh because you know they're just seriously curious. Bill Cosby totally capitalized on this with "Kids Say the Darndest Things".

Obviously my two younger siblings are no exception, but when he reached the age of seven, our youngest, Joshj, seemed to ask less of these questions and replaced them with more science-related ones--"Hey, `te Dang! Did you know that so-and-so lizards can live in extreme blahblahblah... It's so cool, right?"

That's why when he asked me this today I was totally caught off guard:

"`Te Dang, when you grow old, can I pull your hair out?"

Err, WHAT?

Now I don't know how, but this led me to look up something I've long forgotten: my very first website. I made "Bloodtypes" as a requirement in Comp Sci during my freshman year in high school, and prior to that I had no knowledge in html whatsoever. Heck, I'll admit it; I used a WYSIWYG program to design the site.

I look at it now and I'm overwhelmed with embarrassment. The poor organization, the cheeky fonts, all the crazy animation, and lavendeeerrrrr?! Gawd. And while my memory of the site in its prime years are blurry, I'm pretty sure it wasn't as overrun by ads as it is today. Nor did I have poker, fishing, and loan entries in my guestbook.

Then again I don't have the heart to demolish it. ♥~

family, confessions

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