Dear Livejournal,
I'm writing to you cause I have a problem... See, I have this fish and her name is Murky (yes like Murky water, I know) well you see. Murky doesn't really get along with anything.. I mean anything! Like for instance, one time I put a filter in her tank and somehow she manged to get all the pebbles in the bottom of the tank into the filter. The other time I put a castle in her tank and she knocked it over and wrote me a long letter explaining that her father was killed by a castle and loathes them more than pesky filters. I shouldn't even bring up the time that I brought home a play mate.... sheesh that poor fish never was able to swim straight again!!
So I'm wondering if anyone out there in LJ land has any advice with what I can do with Murky. Ohh here is a
photo of her, maybe this helps.
Love always,