Chapter: 15
Full introduction:
hereTable / Prompt: 19 - Unthemed 9, 10 - Sack
Post to all chapters:
hereWord count: 253
Beta: An American friend
Additional author's note: The poems is written by me if not stated otherwise.
Previous entries:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
Chapter 8,
Chapter 9,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Chapter 12 Chapter 13,
Chapter 14
I feel like a big sack of potatoes. Heavy, thick, ugly, and completely... shapeless.
I know I shouldn't complain that nothing has happened in a week. One can not count on it in such a short time. Or? One can at least hope, so I know I could've done something about it... for forever.
It was a very short trip today. I had barely started walking/jog on the trail today when I slipped and found myself sitting on my butt. Because it'd rained all night and continued during the day, it was wet and muddy. Normally that would've stopped me, and I wouldn't even have dreamed of going outside. BUT I've decided that there will be a difference. So, I decided a little rain wouldn't stop me. Unfortunately, it seems like other forces wanted me to. I got a little scared of slipping again and maybe hurt myself. Therefore, I turned around and went home. Hopefully, the rest will do my poor blistered feet some good.
Now I feel that I just have to find a program I can do indoors. Something that do not disturb or reveal too much. Maybe I could find a sack of potatoes to lift. :)
I will probably be back later to talk about what happen. And maybe I can manage to write more poetry and what I think of Evelyn's Ghost. Hmm, maybe I should write a bit here about every book I finish.
At least I'm not filling this with not only Daniel. Good me.
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