I'm feeling really good right now

Oct 10, 2004 21:25

I don't know how long I'm going to feel this way, but while it's here I'm going to enjoy it.

I'm moving away from the hotmail account after all these years, and firmly placing myself into the gmail group. This for some reason feels really good too.

Seriously I've been having a good day. For the first time in quite a while, I woke up refreshed. Not tired, not sore, not sick, none of that. It was nice. I got some work done, although admittedly not as much as I'd probably have liked, it's not surprising. Right now, I'm just in a good mood to the point where maybe things will be all ok.

I have to add this in, cause some of it is eerily accurate:

That's what I get for going to the journals of friends of friends. Meh.

Been remembering some of those classic fall HS memories that can occur around this time. Some happy, some sad, but in all, shaping of what I am today. I can say that I do miss quite a few of these people, who I may never see again. The ones I will see again, I miss them too. The ones I see often, I don't miss as much, but rest assured I probably would if it wasn't the case. I'll also miss this feeling when it goes away. :-P

That's about all, just gonna sit back and relax for a moment or 20. come join me if you'd like.
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