(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 21:45

I’ve been silly for a very long time.  I’m not entirely sure why it has been so difficult to say it, but I think it had something to do with me trying to pretend I wasn’t.  I can’t figure out why I started pretending that I wasn’t silly, when I so clearly am.  In secret, for shame, I have been hiding this part of myself from everyone.

Well, fuckers.  The time is now, as they say; and that means that you will not be able to shield yourself from, fight off, or in any way avoid this assault coming your way.  I’m done with IT dudes.  Really fucking done with IT.  And those that know me, think they know me, knew me, or think they knew me should know what IT is.  And those that never knew me, still don’t know me, and never will know me - all the better, because IT wont ever occur again, so I feel no need to explain myself.

I am looking forward to the FUCK YOU CREW.  I am looking forward to my basement apartment.  I am looking forward to walking to school.  I am looking forward to my coffee.  I am looking forward to dancing with a blindfold on.  I am looking forward to being ok with things I can’t control.

There is no turning back now.   So, I will make YOU this pledge:  I will not waste your time, nor will I accept you wasting mine.  I’m out of patience.   Do or die.  Yes or no.  Be.

I’m breathing fire, I’m shooting lightning out my eyes, I’m eating a hearty breakfast - and I’m READY - TO - GO. 
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