Dear ACC, you need to update your fucking website now.

Feb 02, 2010 16:57

School was closed Monday and Tuesday! It's been absolute bliss, everyone is waiting to see if we have school tomorrow. Everyone else is closed because it rained all day and it's been cold that the roads are all ice again. I went out with mom on Monday and the entire mall parking lot was covered in thick snow and ice. It was insane, I never seen anything like it before and no one was bothering to try and clear it.

Thursday seems to be the only promising day but Friday is suppose to be another huge snow storm so we probably won't have Friday class ;D.

I'm not complaining! I've been using the free days to work on cosplay for Katsucon. Yesterday I worked on my Miku wig. It was a little frizzy so I used the hot water method to defrizz it a bit, put some Mane and Tail conditioner on it and let it sit then rise with the hot water method and let it soak in hot water for a bit again. It really made a difference! the wig is so soft now and the extensions aren't as frizzy as they were! and it smells so good *w* I was tempted to wash all my wigs this way! I probably will when I have more time though.
Monday I also did my Miku pigtail rings. I made them out of two old jewelry boxes. One was bigger than the other so I had to be careful and cut off the access then glue it back together. I used fabric scraps from my cosplay to cover them since the boxes had two different textures and it would have been odd painting them.

I haven't figured out how I'm going to attach the rings to the extensions. I don't want to use hot glue because I want to buy a new wig after Katsucon and I don't want to use pins because I tried the first time and it didn't work. Ugh TT3TT;

While I've been working I've been watching anime, I have a goal of watching the entire series before con. I finished season 1 already and started season 2. I never seen the anime before and the other character I am cosplaying as is from it. I usually don't watch anime like this if at all but watching it made me know things about the costume I didn't know before XD actually I started watching it get the costume's details down. I was going to go without buying one of the accessories but then I learned that it was important in the outfit and had a purpose...

I like the anime but damn, sometimes I want to smack the heroine.

This entry turned out longer than I planned XD I was just going to post about school closing....rofl...

school, snow, cosplay progress

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