Yesterday I started working on my Yoko boots :D I'm so happy with them! it's my first time making actual boot covers so it's a huge victory for me!!! also I made a new neck warmer my old one was made of felt (wtf) and the zipper died because I didn't know what I was doing but this one turned out perfectly :D
I piled them all together so that it would be easier to upload on facebook :P
Above are my Yoko boots after I sewed and attached the boot covers to the bottom part of the boots. I had to make boot covers because the boots I bought were my size but in my opinion too short so yesterday I bought some white taffeta for the covers.
The new neck warmer :D someone mentioned it was too big. It's very thick but in a comfy and warm way. I didn't want to make it look like I was wearing a neck brace...
Also in the picture are my boots again but this time I painted all the white area at the bottom of the boots red. I plan on drawing a stencil of the flames and then tracing the cut out on the boots lightly and painting it from there but I am starting to feel hungry and lazy.
So that's all my progress. Tomorrow I'll add the flames and finish the zipper pulls (took forever to dry!) and hopefully I'll finish the zipper teeth too. I'm so tired
Yesterday via Facebook I talked to my friend Izyy :D she lives in Indiana now but told me she plans to go to Animazment 2010 <3333333 I really hope her plan works out and she can come I'd love to see her again!!!!