Last night we worked the S.G.Komen table at a health fair which was being held at the Trenton Thunder baseball game. Thanks to
rlg who came to keep me company!
Originally they had put the table behind a wall, but after I mentioned that we would like to be able to see the game, they moved us to another spot. We had a nice view between home & 1st base.
Although the game was well attended the health-fair part of it didn't get much action. Most people were just walking by to see what they could get for free. We didn't have any handouts, aside from flyers. Oh well.
This is the third health fair I've worked a table for S.G.Komen, the other two were much better received/attended. They were also at baseball games, and so far I've seen the Sommerset Patriot and Lakewood Blue Claws this year.
I always wondered why there were so many people up on the concorse and not actually watching the game. The fact that the games are boring might be the case.
Next Saturday, I'm working volunteer point at "Because Your Dog Is Worth It Too" in Cranbury, NJ