Oct 06, 2006 15:26
Chairman: Hello, everyone, and welcome to tonight's meeting of Reacts-Badly-To-Being-Rained-On's Anonymous. Who'd like to go first?
Me: Er, hi! I'm donals_girl.
Crowd: Hello, donals_girl.
Me: Tonight's my first time here, ha ha. Anyway, erm, okay...I would murder someone for the sake of their umbrella.
Crowd: *applause*
Me: This wasn't really a problem in the past, but what with climate change and all, it looks like I might be getting rained on a whole lot more in the future, so I decided to recognize that I had a problem controlling myself when caught in the wet. So, I do have a problem. I'm hoping, with your help, to find some healing, and learn to relax about the weather, and the fact that everyone else's coat has a hood.
Bloody wet.
And my parcel from Amazon hasn't arrived yet, either. Bloody postal service. It's currently between Cambridge and Germany, being no bloody good to anybody. The parcel, not the postal service.