Jul 25, 2004 00:17
even though he isn't. i'm back, though i don't know how long this computer will stay together. don't have much to write about, as usual, so please call me. but i figured i'd do another one of erik's quizzes so you can all learn more fascinating facts about reid. btw, anyone notice it's been about 8 entries since meredith has actually said something instead of quoting a song. sad, isn't it. anyway. . .
-first grade teacher's name: Mrs. Cates
-last word you said: huh?
-last song you sang: Sweet Child o' Mine
-last thing you laughed at: stupid cousins
-last time you cried: Marlon Brando died
-what's in your cd player: KISS Greatest Hits (i'm trying to expand my roots)
-color socks are you wearing: not wearing socks
-what's under your bed: nyob (right, Spiros)
-what time did you wake up today: 9:13
-what is your career going to be: musician on the streets
-where are you going to live: on the streets
-how many kids do you want: after this week with my 4-yr.-old cousins, i've decided to adopt an 8-yr.-old
-what kind of car will you drive: microbus
-current hair. short. . . and red
-current clothes: shirt and pants
-current jewelry: string of yarn and car freshener (strawberry)
-current annoyance: slow computer
-current smell: stuffy nose
-current longing: for my cousins to leave
-current desktop picture: a picture of acid
-current favorite music artist: motley crue or styx
-current book: fallen angels (damn WHS)
-current worry: computer
-current hate: cousins
-story behind your user name: i was reading a book of random facts and came across the fact that donald duck cartoons were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants
-current favorite article of clothing: i like my chucks
-favorite physical feature on a boy: freckles! ! !
-line from the last thing you wrote to someone: "what are you talking about?
-i am happiest when: i'm alone
-i feel lonely when: i don't have music. . . or friends
-do you think too much: no
-if you could live anywhere in the world, where: Bangladesh
-famous person you have met: jimmy buffett
-do you have any regrets: yes
-sex or love: love.
-favorite coffee: i just drink what's there
-favorite smell: car fresheners
-what makes you mad: long quizzes
-favorite way to waste time: play music
-what is your best quality: do i have any?
-are you currently in love/lust: love for _______, lust for carmen elektra
-what's the craziest thing you have ever done: i don't do crazy things, i just act crazy so people think i'm crazy and all cool, but i don't have to get in trouble doing crazy things (i'm an extremely boring person)
-any bad habits: yeah
-do you find it hard to trust people: yeah
-last thing you bought yourself: KISS Greatest Hits and Peter Frampton Greatest Hits
-bath or shower: Shower
-favorite season: winter
-favorite color: green
-favorite time of day: night
-gold or silver: gold
-any secret crushes: no
-how many coats and jackets do you own: 1
-do you wear a watch: yeah
-favorite pants color: dark blue
-most expensive item of clothing: chucks (sad but true)
-most treasured: uke
-do your friends know you: i like to think that they don't, but they do in realizing how uncool i am
-what do they tend to be like: mean-spirited jackasses
-can you count on them: sometimes
-can they count on you: no
-last book you read: Hey, Idiot!
-last movie you saw: M:I-2
-last movie you saw on the big screen: dodgeball
-last show you watched on tv: World Series Poker
-last song you heard: Hooked On a Feeling
-last thing you had to drink: Diet Coke
-last thing you ate: animal crackers
-last time you showered: yesterday
-last time you smiled: idk
-last time you laughed: idk
-last person you hugged: my mom
-last person you kissed: idk
-last person you talked to on line: Nyssa
-last person you talked to on the phone: Laura
-smoke: no
-do drugs: no
-drink: diet coke
-sleep with stuffed animals: no
-have a dream that keeps coming back: no
-play an instrument: bass, piano, uke, violin, mandolin
-read the newspaper: comics and This Day in History
-have any gay or lesbian friends: yeah
-believe in miracles: yeah
-consider yourself tolerant: no
consider police a friend or foe: friend
-like the taste of alcohol: don't mind it, i just hate drunk people
-believe in astrology: huh
-believe in magic: no
-pray: i try to remember to
-have any secrets: some
-have any pets: yeah
-go or plan to attend college: i hope not
-talk to strangers: sometimes
-have any piercings: no
-have any tattoos: no
-hate yourself: certain characteristics, but not in an emo fag, i'm so vulnerable i'll prove it by cutting myself kind of way
-wish on stars: no
-like your handwriting: no
-believe in witches:no
-believe in ghosts: not
-believe in santa: no
-believe in the easter bunny: no
-believe in the tooth fairy: no
-have a second family: no
-trust others easily: no
that's it, it sucks but that's me. my mom made fun of me today and it hurt my feelings. i was hiding in a closet to get away from my parents, when my mom opens the door, so i run out, and she says loudly "look david (my dad), our son's coming out of the closet!" and it hurt. anyway, that's it.