Mar 23, 2004 21:38
so here's my answers to erik's quiz.
-Name: David Reid Huffman, Jr.
nicknames: Burrito, Big Red, Weedy Reidy, some more really lame ones.
-Date: what does that mean? Today’s the 23, if that’s what it’s asking
-birthday: January 24
-where: Chapel Hill
-zodiac sign: the cow
-hair color: sexy and red
-eye color: um, hazel? Idk, you can’t even see my eyes!
-Believe in god? Of course “WE NEED JESUS!”
-School you attend? The Haven of Hell
-siblings: Landis, the chestnut
-TV show: don’t have TV, but that mad, mad house show was pretty cool
-movie: Confidence, Matrix, Requiem for a Dream
-store: FYE?
-song: Hooked on a Feeling, Break My Stride, Caught In A Dream, Nothin’ But a Good Time
-band: The Who, Zeppelin, Floyd, Maroon 5, The Darkness, Skynyrd
-jacket: straight-jacket
-book: Hitchhiker’s Guide
-fruit: “Yes, we have no bananas!”
-Dessert: oh, that reminds me, I got my ice cream in the fridge
-cousin: Jay or Andy
-color: “Pink is my favorite color”
-sport: chess is too a contact sport!
-Girl: I wish
-guy: does Erik count?
-Drink: Earl Grey tea, decaffeinated
-commercial: Andy Milonakis’ Anti-Drug commercial
-president: was Hitler ever the president?
-most popular: popular friends, no way!
-Funnest: Erik, is funnest even a word?
-Funniest: Andrew or Erik
-cutest: I’m my own friend
-smartest: Andrew is smart, but he does some dumb stuff
-wisest: Erik read the book of virtues, of course he’s wise
-meanest: isn’t this contradictory?
-Craziest: Erik
-most dramatic: MS, for sure
-weirdest: they’re all special in their own way
-Blackest: Taylor
-gothiest: um, idk
quick test
-where do hamsters live b4 they were put in cages? “Attack of the Radioactive Hamsters from a Planet near Mars”
-Who was the first person 2 look at a cow and say I'm gonna pull on those utters and drink the first thing that comes out? I did it, ok, I give up!
-Why do people say "no offense" when they're about to offend someone? Because they’re GAY
-why do they have the back pain medicine on the bottom shelf at the pharmacy? Blame Erik, he moved them there
-they have a show called "Unsolved Mysteries." What other kind of mysteries are there? Mysteries that were solved
-Do they make coffins wider for dead fat people or is it a 1 size fits all kind of thing? It’s called squeezing, DUH
-If Santa lives at the North Pole... where does the Easter bunny live? In my basement
-Does Jell-O EVER go bad, because there usually isn’t an expiration date on it? Idk, et’s find out
-why do old men have hair in their ears? The older you get, the more places hair sprouts up
-why are buttons on guys' shirts on a different side than girls' shirts? My shirt for the play is like that
-if bunnies don't lay eggs why is it on Easter that we hide eggs from the Easter Bunny? He eats them, like the damn vulture that he is
-why are things typed up but written down? Don’t screw with me right now, I’ve had too much tea
-How come u can kill a deer and put it on your wall but it’s illegal to keep them as a pet? Dead things can’t harm other people, KILL ‘EM ALL
-thing u ate: Vitamin C (it’s for my cold, I swear)
-song u listen 2: Not Coming Home, Maroon 5
-thing u burned: um, taste buds (hot tea)
-person that yelled at u: I guess my sister
-movie u saw: confidence
-person u popped on the forehead and said u have been healed 2? No one, that’s Erik’s, oh wait, the play, I guess Laura Strausbaugh
-person u kissed: I can’t remember that well
-person that tackled u 4 no reason: um, Jared Blaetz
-time u almost got arrested for riding yr go cart: I don’t own one
-friend u talked 2: MS
-Thing u did wrong: wow, that’s hard to think of. Happens a lot.
-Person u hugged: Nathaniel during PE, (he needed a hug, ok)
-time u talk 2 a Jehovah’s Witness: idk
@@@@I’m Rick James bitch!@@@@@@
-what do you want 2 be when you grow up: insane
-if u could meet any1 in the world who would it b? A gay Jewish black dude (“RUN!”)
-If u were a super hero what power would u have? The ability to turn women on
-if u were a pie...what kind would u b? American (at least I get to be screwed by Jason Biggs)